Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis in Ayurveda

How do you cope with Multiple Sclerosis?

What is Multi Sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis is a demyelinating illness characterised by damage to the insulating coverings of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. This injury impairs the nervous system’s ability to communicate, resulting in various indications and symptoms, including physical, mental, and psychiatric issues. Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis in Ayurveda considers all of the patient’s needs. Ayurveda Treatment in Kerala will re-energize the neurological system and strengthen the person the same way it did previously. Multiple sclerosis is named for the plaques found in the white matter. Some of the symptoms are caused by the loss of myelin in these lesions, and they vary greatly depending on which signals are disrupted. When myelin is destroyed, neurons lose their ability to conduct electrical signals effectively. As a result, limbs, face muscles, speech, and other bodily functions become uncontrollable. The central nervous system is affected by an autoimmune health issue. The cerebrum and the spinal cord, in short. As a result, there is a disruption in nerve impulse communication. The patient’s limbs will be unable to be controlled. As a result, facial paralysis, vision disturbances, partial or total bodily paralysis, and other similar diseases develop.

Some early signs and symptoms of Multiple sclerosis (MS)

There are some early signs and symptoms of this condition that one should understand to get the cure at the earliest. Some of the symptoms include vision problems, tingling and numbness, aches and spasms, weakness or weariness, dizziness or balance problems, bladder troubles, sexual dysfunction, and cognitive disorders. Clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), or neurologic symptoms that continue at least 24 hours and can’t be attributed to another cause may be the first indicators of multiple sclerosis in some patients. It includes damage to myelin, the protective layer that helps protect nerve cells in the central nervous system, known as demyelination.

Multiple sclerosis eye symptoms

Optic neuritis, or inflammation of the optic (vision) nerve, is a common visual sign of MS. Optic neuritis usually affects one eye and causes unbearable pain while moving the eye and blurred vision, blurry vision, and colour vision loss. The colour red, for example, may appear washed out or grey.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is linked to “Avrutha/avaranavata” in Ayurveda. Avarana is characterised in Ayurveda Shabdakosha as Avarodha, Gatinirodha, i.e. obstruction, resistance, or friction to Vata’s regular gati. As a result, the word “Avarana” can be translated as Acchadana (covering), Avaruddhagati (obstructed movement), Sanga (obstruction), Peedhana, Akriya (function loss or immobility), and Pracchadana (stagnate). We are a part of nature, and restoring the balance of our bodies with nature is the most effective way to treat health issues. Multiple sclerosis is caused by a body energy imbalance, according to Ayurveda. When the fundamental principles, or dosha, are tampered with or disturbed, it results in various symptoms. When the body’s systems are out of balance, it can lead to poor digestion and the creation and accumulation of toxins. Toxins build up in the body’s minute channels, impeding the movement of body energies and leading to neuromuscular diseases. If left untreated, these obstructions can be fatal, causing lasting nerve and tissue damage.

Langhana Therapy: This treatment focuses on eradicating the ama and pitta/Kaphadoshas accumulated. The purifying methods of Panchakarma are also used in Ayurvedictreatment for Multiple Sclerosis. Shamana therapy, on the other hand, is utilised for a more extended time to cure the ailment. The type and course of treatment would be determined by the patient’s physical state, medical history, and other factors. After a thorough evaluation of the patient, the Ayurvedic doctor will prepare the treatment.

Shamana therapy is usually reserved for patients who are frail or young. You may have to do the therapy for at least 3-4 years. This includes food restrictions, lifestyle modifications, and precise directions for preventing the accumulation of doshas in the body. Ayurvedic treatment for multiple sclerosis would address the issue at its source. In Ayurveda, only herbal oils and medications are employed. As a result, all risks of adverse side effects that could impair a person’s body are eliminated.

Herbal decoction: The body is rejuvenated, and the blood circulation system is improved by a herbal decoction that aids in normal digestion and the removal of obstructions in the nerve system. It also restores harmony and balance to the body’s fundamental foundations. In addition to the therapy technique, the doctor advises patients to make a few lifestyle changes, including a proper diet and exercise routine, to restore nervous system function. The goal is to revitalise nerves, bodily cells, and the brain. As a result, the patient can heal faster than any other treatment.

Yoga: Yoga combines mild stretches, a cheerful attitude, and a deeper connection to your breath to increase body awareness and strength while also laying the groundwork for dealing with relapsing-remitting clusters of symptoms that can last weeks. It promotes flexibility and builds on previous poses to help build muscle and loosen up tight muscles and joints.

Diet and lifestyle
Consume foods that are easy to digest, alkaline in nature, fresh, contain all six rasas, seasonal, timely, and vitamin-D . Keep the body hydrated, keep the mind peaceful, relaxed, and stress-free; consume more antioxidant rich fruits, green vegetables, and so on. Acidic foods, foods high in saturated fat, high trans fat, salted food, foods heavy in refined sugar, full-fat dairy, and other degenerative diseases must be avoided. Extensive exercise, long-term fasting, persistent anxieties, dry food, ingesting less food, excessive exposure to harsh wind and the sun, heat, keeping up at night, wrath, fear, grief, and sorrow are also avoided. Avoid incompatible foods, untimely food self-medication, and the chronic use of pain relievers, anti-inflammatory medications, sleeping pills, and other medications.


1. Is Ayurveda capable of curing multiple sclerosis?

Multiple Sclerosis Langhana Ayurveda Therapy focuses on eradicating the ama and pitta / kaphadoshas accumulated. The purifying methods of Panchakarma are also used in Ayurvedic treatment for Multiple Sclerosis. Shamana therapy, on the other hand, is utilised for a more extended time to cure the ailment.

2. Is Ashwagandha effective in the treatment of multiple sclerosis?
The herbal substance ashwagandha, commonly prescribed by Ayurvedic practitioners to treat MS, might conceivably worsen the condition. It may also reduce the therapeutic effectiveness of some drugs, worsen the adverse effects of others, and make MS tiredness worse.