Ayurveda Treatment for Constipation

treatment for Constipation in Ayurveda (Kerala, India)

All internal activities, including digestion, excretion, relaxation, daily needs, and other functions, are regulated by the biological clock in the human body. Excretion is the process of removing metabolic waste products from the body, and it is a vital part of daily life. Excretion is an essential biological activity that ensures waste materials do not obstruct other body functions. A disturbance in excretion via the intestines causes constipation. Constipation is a condition in which the body’s waste disposal system fails. Constipation needs to be managed in order for the body to operate properly.Herbs such as Amalaki, Bhibhitaki, Haritaki, Punarnava, Kalmegh, and many others that have been shown to help with constipation are used in Ayurveda Treatment for Constipation.

The fundamental cause of gout is hyperuricemia. This can happen for various reasons, including a poor diet, a hereditary susceptibility, a lack of urate, uric acid salts, excretion. To elaboarte it more uric acid dissolves in the blood and flows through the kidneys and move towards urine in normal circumstances. In around 90% of instances, renal underexcretion of uric acid is the primary cause of hyperuricemia, while overproduction is fewer than 10%. Obesity, excessive weight gain (particularly in adolescence), moderate to heavy alcohol consumption, high blood pressure, poor renal function, and overeating purine-rich meat and fish are risk factors for developing gout. Some medications, such as diuretics, can trigger gout. Certain situations can trigger acute gout attacks in persons at risk of developing gout. Dehydration, joint injury, fever, overeating, and recent surgery are among these conditions. Ayurveda for gout treatment (Kerala, India) is quite effective in reducing pain and effectiveness.

What exactly is constipation?

On average, a healthy individual requires 1 to 3 satisfactory bowel movements every day without straining. Even skipping a single day of bowel movement is disapproved in Ayurveda, and is considered to require special attention.The colon is considered the Vata dosha’s residence. Because constipation is characterised by dry, hard, rough, and limited bowel movements, it is considered that increased Vata (air and space component) in the colon is the major cause.The very first step toward finding an Ayurveda remedy for constipation is to eliminate the causes of the condition.

Constipation is often overlooked, despite the fact that it can cause a variety of problems.As a result of this condition, toxins are created, that penetrate the circulatory system and move all through the body. This essentially causes the critical organs to deteriorate, as well as bringing down the overall system’s resilience.An imbalanced Vata dosha, according to Ayurveda, causes digestive problems. Undigested food progressively accumulates in the stomach and intestine, leading Vata dosha to become impaired. Constipation is caused by an unclean digestive system causing an interruption in bowel movement.Ayurveda Treatment for Constipation focuses on balancing the impaired Vata dosha.

Which ayurvedic medicine is best for constipation?

Triphala is an Ayurvedic remedy used to treat a number of diseases, especially constipation. The fact that it is non-addictive and habit-forming is one of its favourite features. Every night before going to bed, consume 1/2 teaspoon Triphala mixed with 1/2 cup warm water. This will aid in the thorough discharge of waste in the morning. As a result, it is regarded as an excellent ayurvedic medicine for severe constipation.

Causes of Constipation

The following are some of the most prevalent causes:

• Problems with digestion.
• Fluid consumption is minimal.
• A diet that is deficient in fibre.
• Absence of physical activity.
• Laxative dependency.
• Negative effects of Analgesics and antidepressants.
• Some diseases include metabolic and endocrine abnormalities, as well as neurological issues.
• Emotional aspects such as stress, worry, and panic.

Ayurveda & Constipation

Constipation is called Vibandha in Ayurveda. It’s when you can’t totally empty your bowels or pass firm stools. It might be related to your nutrition and lifestyle.
According to Ayurveda, there are several types of constipation.
MriduKoshtha occurs when the Pitta dosha is present and food is easily absorbed.
Madhyamkoshta occurs when Kapha is involved and food is absorbed appropriately.
KruraKoshtha occurs when the Vata doshas are involved and digestion is tough.This results in constipation.Ayurveda Treatment for Constipation begins when the reasons and types of constipation are identified.
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical practice that emphasises a comprehensive approach to health and wellness. Natural herbs are used to treat any condition. According to Ayurveda, the three primary elements impacting an individual’s health are Vata, Kapha, and Pitta, and chronic constipation is one of them. The dosha-balancing severe constipation ayurvedic treatment used in Ayurveda medicine help the bowel movement return to normal.

Ayurvedic Remedies

• Stick to a Vata-balancing diet.

It’s essential to make the required dietary changes to restore digestive system balance while dealing with any gastrointestinal disorder. If you experience constipation, you may be eating a well-balanced diet, but some foods, such as salads, raw juices, raw vegetables, dried fruits, and so on, maybe Vata-provoking. As a result, regardless of your current diet, you should follow a Vata-pacifying routine in Ayurveda Treatment for Constipation.

• Maintain a Vata-balanced lifestyle.

It will be helpful to adopt some basic Vata- reducing lifestyle strategies when coping with any Vata disorder.It will eventually aid in the management of constipation, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and other issues. Along with Ayurvedic medicine for constipation, maintaining a good sleep pattern, including yoga inthe daily routine, getting Vata pacifying oil massages a few times a week, and so on may all assist with Vata imbalance to a large extent.

• Make it a habit of consuminghot water throughout the day, starting with when you wake up.

This method ofAyurveda Treatment for Constipation can help prevent dehydration, which could be causing constipation. This may be accomplished by daily consuming 8-10 glasses of lukewarm or hot water. The hot water aids in the cleansing of the gastrointestinal system, the unblocking of vital channels, the removal of obstructions, and the promotion of healthy egress.

Ayurvedic treatment for chronic constipation entails more than simply drugs and dietary adjustments; regular lifestyle changes, such as water consumption and sleep habits, are regarded as critical in restoring the body’s ideal state of functioning.
Ayurvedic treatment for constipation in adults is conducted in the classical traditional way without compromising by trained therapists under the guidance of experts and certified doctors at Ishani Ayurveda in Kerala, India.

Does constipation require medical assistance in managing the condition?

Almost normally, it clears up on its own with the use of laxatives and other food items that help reduce constipation, however, if the trouble persists for more than one or two weeks, you might have to consider using herbal treatments.

Constipation in Children

Children might get constipated for a variety of reasons, including transitioning from breastfeeding to formula, changing the formula brand, introducing solid food, drinking less water, or being sick.
Ayurveda suggests certain foods and getting a massage to relieve constipation problems.
• To imitate a cycle, gently move your baby’s legs. Massage the stomach and legs to eliminate gas and regulate bowel movements.
• Warm baths may aid in the relaxation of abdominal muscles and the prevention of tension. This can also help relieve constipation pain.
These are just a few options for easing the discomfort. Discuss the situation with a specialist before starting any ayurvedic medicine for baby constipation programme.