Treatment for Cancer in Ayurveda

How do you cope with Cancer?

Cancer is an illness that is both deadly and difficult to treat. It’s a sickness that can spiral out of control, wreaking havoc on the surrounding tissues and organs. When toxins build up at the site of a particular organ over time, it can lead to deadly cell proliferation in the surrounding cells. The clumps of cells clump together, causing swelling at the location. The damaged cells are disseminated to other body regions through the bloodstream if the toxins are not eliminated, affecting nearby cells and tissues. Treatment for Cancer in Ayurveda in Kerala focuses on rejuvenation and immunity improvement to improve the patient’s quality of life.

Ayurveda, the oldest Indian indigenous medicine system based on plant medications, has been prevented or inhibited different malignancies since ancient times. In addition, scientists are increasingly interested in complementary and alternative medicine studies for cancer management. According to the Ayurveda (Charaka’ and ‘SushrutaSamhitas) cancer is defined as an inflammatory or non-inflammatory swelling. It is referred to as either ‘Granthi’ (small neoplasm) or ‘Arbuda’ (large neoplasm) (primary neoplasm). The nerve system (Vata or air), the venous system (Pitta or fire), and the artery system (Kapha or water) are three Ayurvedic fundamentals that are critical to normal body function. In malignant tumors, all three systems (Tridoshas) lose control and mutual coordination, resulting in tissue destruction and a severe state. Tridoshas cause an overabundance of metabolic crisis, which leads to proliferation.


Ayurveda: An Effective Treatment for Cancer

Modern cancer therapy, which is plagued with drug-induced hazardous side effects, looks to complementary and alternative medicine for a perfect cure. The main goal of Ayurvedic therapy is to determine the root cause of an illness. Ayurvedic therapy is divided into four categories:
● Prakritichikitsa (health maintenance)
● Rasayanachikitsa (restoration of normal function)
● Roganashanichikitsa (disease cure)
● Naishthikichikitsa (disease cure) (spiritual approach)
Commonly used herbal decoctions reported in Ayurveda are made up of multiple herbs with great cancer-curing potential; scientifically, these formulations work on multiple biochemical pathways and influence various organ systems all at once, nourishing the body a whole by supporting the body’s deference systems.

Treatment for Cancer in Ayurveda in Kerala
Cancer is a global problem spreading due to causes such as poor lifestyles and pollution in the environment. According to the World Health Organization, cancer is the second largest cause of death worldwide. Effective cancer therapies are available in a variety of locations around the world. Even for severe conditions like cancer, India is known for its successful ayurvedic therapies. The Kerela is home to one of the best Ayurvedic therapeutic centers globally, with numerous successful cancer treatments. To minimize the adverse effects of various types of malignancies, Ayurvedic institutes in Kerela use one of the most excellent therapeutic herbs ,Yoga and the simplest foods, in addition to therapeutic herbs, might improve one’s general quality of life.
In cancer treatment, Ayurveda plays a supportive role. Ayurveda has been shown to improve cancer patients’ quality of life. It is an effective method that patients can use to supplement chemo or radiotherapy. Tumor suppressants can be found in several natural medications.
The cancer is treated in three phases:

  • Detoxification
    “Detoxification” relates to the body’s internal, exterior, and blood purification. Herbal medications can be used to purify the body internally. External cleansing is achieved with herbal oils and pastes, while blood purification through satvicbhajan or a healthy diet.
  • Treatment
    The stage of cancer is the starting point for treatment. The Ayurvedic professionals construct a treatment regimen based on the patients’ previous treatment procedures and reactions to the drugs or treatments.
  • Rejuvenation
    In Ayurveda, rejuvenation is the final stage of cancer treatment. When cancer patient stops taking their medication and treatment, their bodies are examined to see if any tumors are still there.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Brain Cancer

The following are some of the most effective Ayurveda treatments for brain cancer:

Aswagandha: Aswagandha is a plant with intriguing healing qualities. They aid in the restoration of your body’s vigor and immunity. It has anti-inflammatory qualities and is a valuable antioxidant. It provides essential nutrients that help the brain function better and reduce the harmful effects of damaging radiation.
Curcumin: Curcumin is a powerful ayurvedic treatment for brain tumors. Curcumin has been shown to dissolve cancerous cells in the body. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps in improving immunity. It’s also becoming popular as a treatment for brain tumors.
Guggul: Guggul has a reputation for reviving damaged cells and promoting good health. It boosts the body’s oxidation potentials and speeds up recovery from brain malignancies.

Ayurveda treatment for ovarian cancer
The main goal of Ayurvedic ovarian cancer treatment is to halt cancer progression and prolong life. Ashwagandha, Suvarna-Sutshekhar-Ras, Suvarna-Parpati, Suvarna-Raj-Vangeshwar-Ras, Suvarna-Malini-Vasant, Trivanga-Bhasma, Suvarna-Bhasma, and Heerak-Bhasmaare all used to boost the body’s immune system. Medicines such as Laxmi-Vilas-Ras, Shrung-Bhasma, Ashwagandha, Shankh-Vati, and Laghu-Sutshekhar-Ras are utilized to protect the body from damaging effects.

Ayurvedic treatment for oral cancer
Oral cancer is typically treated similarly to other malignancies, namely with surgery followed by radiation therapy. All patients must contend with various adverse effects when undergoing radiation therapy. However, the most recent Ayurvedic finding may provide some treatment to cancer patients. Expert doctors in Kerala have advised a mouthwash containing a herbal combination prescribed in Ayurveda to aid patients with oral cancer undergoing radiation therapy. All of the plants in the herbal mouthwash have been described in Ayuverdic writings as having analgesic or mucolytic, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory qualities.

Researchers also claim that these proposed features can be used to alleviate any concerns associated with oral mucositis, a painful side effect of radiation therapy that oral cancer patients experience. Ayurvedic Medicines and therapies for Mouth Cancer are also available, which can assist patients in managing excruciating agony associated with radiation therapy for oral cancer. Some crucial treatments for oral or mouth cancer are:
Spirulina: Spirulina is a cyanobacteria biomass that humans may consume. Because it is vital in iron, 60-70 percent protein, and the highest source of B-12, it is widely recommended by ayurvedic doctors to help prevent cancer, promotes metabolism, and boost the immune system.
Neem: The health benefits of neem are numerous. The anticancer effects of neem have been extensively researched in recent years, and all of the studies conclude that neem can modify the tumor environment. It improves the cytotoxic activity of the host monocytes while inhibiting tumor cell proliferation. It has been demonstrated that neem has both preventive and therapeutic potential in the battle against oral cancer.
Grapeseed: Grape seeds have been discovered to eliminate radical cells effectively. The active cells in the mouth are damaged by these cells, resulting in mouth cancer. Grapes are high in vitamin C, E, and beta-carotene, which strengthen the immune system. Oral sufferers should consume grapefruit, according to doctors.


1. What is Ayurvedic chemotherapy, and how does it work?

Ayurveda treatment in Kerala may provide a broad knowledge of herbs and treatment options at any stage, even when a chronic disease like cancer has been detected. Ayurveda can help to lessen the adverse effects of chemotherapy or radiotherapy and assist the body in its recovery process.