Ayurveda Treatment for Parkinson's Disease

parkinson's disease treatment (Kerala, India)

Parkinson's treatment

A brief overview

Parkinson’s disease has been categorized under degenerative disorders. This is one of the most common extrapyramidal disabling disorders affecting the elderly. This syndrome has the traditional triad of resting tremor, bradykinesia, and stiffness. This triad ignores the syndrome’s equally serious gait and postural stability difficulties (Ayurveda Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease). It is an aging disorder that affects both men and women equally, with a prevalence ranging from 1% in those over the age of 65 to 5% in people over 80. The disorder has a gradual onset in older persons and advances slowly, eventually leading to considerable morbidity. One of the most frequent extrapyramidal neurological illnesses that affect the elderly is Parkinson’s disease. This syndrome characterises the traditional trio of resting tremor, bradykinesia, and stiffness.

Parkinson’s disease usually strikes people once they reach the age of 50, but it can strike at any age. Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease in which brain cells gradually fail and die. The illness damages the dopamine-producing cells in the brain. Parkinson’s disease is a movement illness caused by a dopamine deficiency in the brain.

In Ayurvedic terminology, Parkinson’s illness is a state of Vata aggravation. Aside from hereditary susceptibility, the condition is caused by variables that allowdysregulation of particular brain networks. In Ayurvedic terms, the Vatadosha is characterized by dryness, degeneration, wear-down (roughness), and inflexible traits. Increased movement, tremors, sleep deprivation, and other signs of the Air element’s overactivity demonstrate that this interior deterioration manifests as exterior dysregulation. The Ayurveda Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease in Kerala focuses on removing the disease from the root cause making it more unique from homoeopathy treatment.


The Description of Parkinson's Disease in Ayurveda (Kerala, India)

In Ayurveda, Parkinson’s disease is linked to a condition known as Kampavata. It’s also known as vepathu since it causes broad involuntary motions in all body regions. Vepathu is caused by Vata vitiation; hence, the treatments initially focus on restoring Vata balance.

The signs and symptoms of Kampavata are Karapadtalkampa (tremors in hands and legs), Dehabramana (postural instability), Nidrabhagna (insomnia) and Matiksheen (dementia). Some other symptoms are Stambha (rigidity), Ceshtahani(slowness of the movement), Vanaman (flexed posture) and Vakvikriti (speech disorders). These have been described in various Vatavyadhi pathological diseases that can also be classed under the Kampavata characteristic. The main pathogenic processes in Kampavata are VataAvarana and Dhatukshaya. The raktadhatu is depleted, as is the avarana of prana, vyana, and udanavata. Apanvayu becomes vitiated in the elderly.

Kampavata (Parkinson's Disease) Ayurvedic Treatment (Kerala, India)

Remember that kampavata is a vatavyadhi condition before delving into the specifics of Ayurvedic treatment (diseases caused by the spread of vitiated Vatadosha throughout the mind-body).
There are two forms of Vatavyadhi disorders.

● Dhatukshayajanya
● Margavrodhjanya

The destruction or loss of essential tissues causes Dhatukshayajanya illnesses. Blockages in the appropriate passage of energies and nutrients through their pathways produce Margavrodhjanya illnesses.
The two forms of vatavyadhi have completely distinct treatment methods. Kampavata is a condition in which both types of Vatavyadhi are present, making Kampavata treatment difficult.

The physician’s understanding of the type of vatavyadhi present and the patient’s unique Prakriti, vikriti, lakshanas, samprapti, satmya, and other elements decide the treatment approach for a patient with kampavata.

The srotamsi (channels) that make up the majjadhatu become hollow when the tissue weakens and shrinks, resulting in dhatukshayajanyavatavyadhi. Vatavyadhi is the result of Vatadosha filling such a void. Any dhatukshayajanyavatavyadhi, including kampavata, can be treated with three techniques, which can be utilized concurrently or sequentially depending on the patient and disease’s features.

Importance of Ayurveda in Treating Parkinson's Disease (Kerala, India)

Ayurvedic medicine has expertise in treating kampavata, a type of Parkinson’s disease that dates back thousands of years. Parkinson’s disease is complex, with more than 20 motor and nonmotor symptoms. It’s a myth that dopamine and its analogues are the sole treatments available. For the therapy of kampavata, one or more courses of panchakarmachikitsa, carefully selected herbs, minerals, and metal-derived medicines, a good diet, and a healthy lifestyle are required. On the other hand, following these recommendations can help with not only physical symptoms but also psychological aspects that contribute to the disease. The primary cause of illness is living in discord with one’s unique nature (Prakriti), and genuine recovery necessitates re-alignment on the physical, mental, intellectual, and pranic levels.

The Ayurvedic approach to Parkinson’s Disease(Ayurveda treatment in Kerala) extends well beyond the brain chemistry effects of our herbal medications. The ability of Ayurveda to modify and reconstruct the subtle energy body, which is both the cornerstone of health and the genesis of sickness, is its fundamental strength. The above-mentioned technique emphasizes good lifestyle changes, mental refinement through Yogic practises, and living in peace with nature.

Final Outcome

At Ishani Ayurveda, treatments are tailored to each patient’s specific needs, resulting in positive outcomes in all areas.

Herbal remedies, diet, yoga/meditation, and other Ayurvedic treatments are the most effective ways to combat Parkinson’s disease. This is beneficial in controlling Parkinson’s symptoms and preventing the disease from progressing further. These personalized treatments will considerably improve one’s quality of life.


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