Ayurvedic Treatment for Jaundice

Jaundice is characterized by yellowish discoloration of the eyes, skin, and mucous membranes, as a result of elevated blood bilirubin levels. Rather than being a disease in and of itself, jaundice is a visible indication of an underlying disease process. The diagnosis of jaundice is made through physical examination, blood testing, or skin testing. The former are harsh in nature, and if one seeks gentler remedies, ayurvedic treatment of jaundice is the way to go. In addition to curing jaundice (pilia) of roots, it also provides quick and lasting relief from the symptoms.

Ayurvedic experts examine the underlying cause of a patient’s jaundice and evaluate their diet and lifestyle habits. In addition to Ayurvedic medicines, the doctor prescribes diet changes. The expert on Jaundice can be consulted by the patient by visiting the hospital.

Causes of jaundice include:

●Acute inflammation liver
● Hemolytic anemia
● Obstruction of the bile duct
● Gilbert’s syndrome
● Inflammation of the bile duct
● Cholestasis

Symptoms of jaundice include:

● Yellow tinge to the skin and the whites of the eyes
● Fatigue
● Itchiness
● Weight loss
● Vomiting
● Abdominal pain
● Fever
● Paler than usual stools
● Dark urine

After iron has been removed from hemoglobin, the body produces bilirubin, a yellow-colored waste product. There is a description of Kamala in Ayurvedic treatment of jaundice as a Pitta dominant disease. The body becomes dirty due to an accumulation of pitta (bilirubin) when kamala (jaundice) occurs. There are several symptoms of this disease, too: haridranakha that is yellow in color, haridranetra that is yellow in color, haridratvak that is yellow in color, daha which is a burning sensation, Bhekavarna, which is yellow in color, daurbalya which is weakness, avipaka which is indigestion, and aruchi (anorexia).

The liver is considered to be the primary site of Pitta functioning in Ayurveda. Jaundice is caused by vitiation of Pitta dosha, which is a result of poor eating habits or some other cause. As per ayurvedic treatment of Jaundice, it can be successfully treated with Ayurvedic treatment by addressing Pitta dosha imbalances, leading to normalized bilirubin levels. The first stage of jaundice is marked by mild purgation, which stimulates the liver and increases the flow of bile. Ayurveda experts select herbal medicines for jaundice treatment that include Trivrit, Kutaki, Bhumyamalaki, Punarnava, Aloe vera, Triphala, and a variety of other herbal remedies. As part of home ayurvedic medicine for jaundice treatment, Amla, Beetroot, Lemon, Bottle Guard, Bitter Guard, and Aloe vera are
good for liver health. They are vital in the natural treatment of jaundice.

We have listed some of the remedies below

  • Aloe vera, an Ayurvedic herb, is a gentle cleanser that helps eliminate excess toxins in the system. The digestive system is strengthened by its use, and it is an excellent tonic. With water, it can be consumed in juice form or as a pulp.
  • The liver tonic bhumyalaki (PhyllanthusNiruri) is effective in treating all kinds of liver disorders. In case of jaundice, it gives relief from all symptoms. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-spasmodic, it treats liver infections as well as dysfunction.
  • YakritPlihantakChurna is a combination of beneficial herbs that includes kalmegh, katuki, bhringaraj, bhumiamla, among many other herbs. This churna is a complete treatment for liver disorders. As a result, inflammation in the body is reduced and toxins are flushed out of the body. Furthermore, it boosts the regeneration of liver cells to restore liver health.
  • The herb Changeri (Indian sorrel) is useful in promoting appetite and digestion. This herb stimulates digestion and promotes regular bowel movements.
  • The snake gourd is a natural detoxifier and digestive system enhancer, providing nutrients essential to human health. This product increases the body’s immune
    system and also kills worms in the intestinal tract. In addition to being a diuretic, it encourages the body to expel toxins through urine production. After boiling, the juice can be taken or the fruit can be eaten in mashed form.
  • Karela (bitter gourd) is a natural cleanser that enhances liver filtration functions. Besides restoring immunity, it is also an anti-oxidant, and so, it makes the body fast and efficient at healing.

Ayurvedic treatment of jaundice is suggestive that consumption of alcohol, raw milk, uncooked food, poor hygiene, fast food, contaminated water, and self-medication can cause severe liver complications and should be discouraged. You should follow the following diet recommendations:

● Fruit juice should be added to the diet of a jaundice patient for at least a week or two.
● Among the best foods for sugarcane are sugarcane, carrots, grapes, beetroots, pears, and lemon juice.
● Cooking food for jaundice patients should be done in an iron kadhai. As a result, hemoglobin levels recover more quickly.
● Stay hydrated.
● Patients with jaundice should get plenty of sleep to ensure a speedy and full recovery.

Traditionally, Ayurvedic treatment of jaundice says that jaundice and pilia are caused by pittadosha in the body and all these remedies can help to balance it. Additionally to these natural remedies, Ayurveda prescribes drinking plenty of water and abstaining from oily and spicy food since they aggravate pitta dosha. Therefore, it is important to follow these instructions and also seek the advice of an Ayurvedic practitioner before taking these remedies.

Ayurvedic treatment of jaundice at Ishani Ayurveda focuses on the root cause of disease, not just the symptoms and is therefore the best ayurveda treatment in Kerala. Shodhan and Shaman are two ways Ayurveda treats diseases. Shodhan is complete detoxification of the body by Panchakarma therapies . Ayurvedic medicines, diet, and lifestyle changes are used by a shaman to balance the doshas. Jaundice treatment ayurveda includes Panchakarma-detoxified patient, Ayurveda medicines are always more effective.