Ayurveda Treatment for Cold

How do you cope with Cold?

Common ColdPeople are going into panic mode when they detect someone is coughing, sneezing, or having a slight body temperature as the deadly COVID-19 virus spreads like wildfire worldwide. People are afraid to go to the hospital or clinic to see a doctor for fear of contracting an infection from someone else. People get more stirred up because SARS-COV-2 is so contagious, and they don’t realise that sudden discomfort in the throat, sneezes, or fever can also be caused by seasonal changes or the regular flu virus. The similarity of the symptoms of both diseases has led to invariable comparisons since SARS-COV-2 emerged in the middle of the regular flu season. Although some flu strains (such as influenza) can be prevented by vaccination, there is no vaccine available for the common cold virus. The Ayurveda Treatment for Cold in Kerala is more focused on preventing the disease and giving treatment for curing the disease from its origin.

According to Ayurveda, the KaphaDoshas, the holistic science of healing, manages the respiratory and nasal systems and the functioning of the stomach. In contrast, the VataDoshas are in charge of controlling the body’s overall immunity. People with a poor balance of ojas are more susceptible to the common cold virus due to different degrees of ojas (i.e. immunity) in each individual. Although it may seem counterintuitive, boosting your immune system can significantly reduce the common cold symptoms. To avoid the dreaded springtime flu or cold, Ayurveda’s ancient remedies advise us to balance our diets according to the season. If you’re afraid of getting sick and getting a common cold or flu, don’t be! Ayurveda treatment in Kerala provides us with several home remedies for preventing the common cold.

Some symptoms of the common cold
Some symptoms of the common cold occur during seasonal changes. Some of its symptoms are:
● Nose Blocked or Running
● Throat ache/scratch
● Sneezing.
● Fatigue.
● Aches in the muscles.
● Appetite Deficiency.
● Cough.
● Headache
● Fibromyalgia with chills

Ayurveda Treatment for Cold in Ishani Ayurveda

Remove AMA from the body

Drinking homemade immune-boosting drinks is a straightforward approach to cure common cold infections. These handmade drinks, also known as kadha in Ayurveda, are an aqueous extract of many herbs and entire spices that aid to balance the Kaphadoshas while also flushing out AMA toxins from the body. This low-cost medication boosts the immune system’s general strength and protects the body against illnesses.

Avoid kapha aggravators
Because an imbalance in the Kaphadoshas causes a reduction in immunity, avoid foods that produce rheum particles and aggravate the cold. Avoid foods that have Sheeto (cold) or Guru (heavy) gunas, such as yoghurt, ice cream, banana, avocado, cheese, and anything that has Sheeto (cold) or Guru (heavy) gunas. Increase your intake of vitamin C-rich foods such as oranges, lemons, grapefruit, papaya, cauliflower, broccoli, and other vegetables.

Chewing dry ginger
Dry ginger, also known as Sunthi, is noted for its bioactive ingredients, gingerols and shaogals, making it a natural expectorant. It not only relieves sore throats but also treats infections in the nasal passage and clears up phlegm deposits due to its potent antimicrobial and pain-relieving capabilities. To relieve coughs and colds, chew on a piece of dry ginger and allow the juice to reach your throat, or prepare it as tea.

The administration of an ayurvedic oil or liquid as a nasal drop through the nasal passage is ayurvedic treatment. This nasya technique of pouring oil into the nostrils or just putting it in with your pinkie finger helps clear mucus deposits from the nostrils and helps to remove toxins from the body. Nasya can be made with neem, ginger, or eucalyptus essential oils.

Pranayama Techniques are being practised.
Nasal and chest congestion can be relieved quite effectively with pranayama and yogasanas. When done regularly, these breathing exercises stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to clear congestion and improves blood circulation and relieves stress and tension.

Self-care and preventions
There are a few things you can do to keep the intensity of your condition moderate. To get rid of a stuffy nose, inhale the steam. In a basin of hot water, drop a few drops of eucalyptus oil. For a few minutes at a time, cover your head and the bowl with a cloth. Ensure the water isn’t too hot so that the vapour doesn’t burn your face. Maintain your health by strengthening your immune system. Amla and Tulsi are two plants that can be used to help enhance your immune system. Make sure the room isn’t too hot. Allow the body to cool down naturally. Keep your distance from somebody who has a cold. Focus on getting enough sell and maintain a well-balanced diet. Take a lot of hot water and beverages.


  • What is the purpose of consuming SitopaladiChurna?
    SitopaladiChurna is an Ayurvedic concoction used to treat colds and coughs throughout the winter months. It has anti-inflammatory and expectorant qualities that aid in treating respiratory issues.
  •  In Ayurveda, how does one treat a cold?
    To control a cold, use two to three teaspoons (10-15 ml) of fresh Amla juice or half to one teaspoon (2.5-5 gm) powder of the same. Drink a glass of hot water with two lemons juiced in it and sugar to taste. Take it before going to bed since it relieves nasal catarrh.
  • Is Ashwagandha effective against colds?
    Ashwagandha is a well-known medicinal herb that has been utilised in Ayurvedic therapy for centuries. This fragrant root acts as an antihistamine and decongestant, providing relief from cold symptoms. To make a soothing and therapeutic hot drink, make ginger tea with a dash of lemon and honey.
  • In Ayurveda, what should we eat when we have a cold?
    Focus on eating light, simple, and warm foods, especially “clear foods” like clear broths, clear liquids (water and teas), and seasonal veggies like leeks, bokchoy, and kale that have some transparency once cooked.