treatment of menopause in ayurveda

ayurveda treatment for menopause

treatment of menopause in ayurvedaMenopause is associated with ageing in Ayurveda, which is a Vata (air)-dominated stage of life. As a result, some women’s symptoms of menopause are similar to those noticed when the VataDosha grows and disrupts the body’s usual equilibrium. Depression, anxiety, and insomnia are among the vata-type menopausal symptoms. The other two doshas can also be affected by menopause. Women who have Pitta (fire) symptoms are frequently angry and have hot flashes. Listlessness, weight gain, and mental and physical heaviness are all characteristics of the Kapha (water) type. The treatment of menopause in Ayurveda comprises correcting the hormonal imbalance with the appropriate herbal medications, and because the symptoms varies in various women, different therapeutic corrections are necessary.

What happens during menopause?

Ayurveda divides a 100-year lifespan into three parts: preparation, growth, and development in the first 25 years; achievement and maturity in the next 25 years (until age 50); and life experience in the remaining 25 years (beyond age 50). According to Ayurveda, distinct doshas predominate during different stages of our lives. From birth to puberty, kapha reigns supreme, pitta reigns supreme till midlife, and vata reigns supreme after 50 years. The change from pitta to vata phases of life is accompanied by menopause. In general, vata and pitta grow with menopause, whereas kapha remains unchanged.

Cause of Early Menopause: When many patients find they are experiencing premature menopause, they get anxious about the causes and potential consequences. Menopause is about more than just anxiety. The following are some of the most common causes of early menopause: Women who have a family history of premature menopause are 60% more likely to go through it themselves. Furthermore, events that occur in the womb while a woman’s ovaries are maturing may result in a decreased number of egg-producing cells, which might shorten a woman’s reproductive life span.

Menopause ayurvedic treatment

Menopause is, thankfully, completely treatable in the Ayurvedic practise. The symptoms can be avoided, and the underlying reasons of menopausal symptoms can be treated with highly efficient therapies.
Ayurveda treatment in Kerala can be customised to the patient after an initial assessment of mind-body constitution and present symptoms by an ayurvedic specialist.
The primary purpose of ayurvedic treatment in Kerala is to restore vata and pitta dosha equilibrium, improve digestive fire (agni), and eliminate toxins (ama) from the body.

Ayurvedic detox (Panchakarma) for menopause
The removal of poisons from the body is known as panchakarma. Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala doctors customise panchakarma to the patient’s doshas.
● To prepare the stubborn poisons, medicated ghee is taken orally for a few days (ama).
● Medicated purgation (Virechana) is extremely helpful at calming the irritated pitta doshas and blood tissues.
● The exacerbated vata doshas and apana vata that become disorganised during menopause are treated with medicated enemas (Vasti).
● Nasya, a medicated nasal oil, assists with mental and physical issues.
● Shirodhara is a technique for soothing the nervous system and regulating neurotransmitters that involves pouring herbal oil or decoction over the scalp.

Treatment of menopause

The treatment of menopause in Ayurveda , Kerala is determined by the dosha in which the woman’s menopause symptoms appear. It’s crucial to remember that health issues during menopause are the result of developing imbalances in the body, which are exacerbated by the stress of changing hormones.

Vata Dosha Menopause:


Nervousness, anxiety, pain, mood swings, vaginal dryness, loss of skin tone, feeling cold, irregular periods, sleeplessness, moderate hot flashes, constipation, palpitation, bloating, and joint pain are just few of the symptoms.


● Increase your intake of warm foods and beverages. Use spices like fennel and cumin in your usual meals.
● Reduce caffeine and other stimulants, refined sugar cool drinks, cucumber, organic food, spices like cumin and fennel, and utilise spices like cumin and fennel. Avoid spicy foods, hot drinks, and alcohol, as well as late-night dining.
● Early bedtime, oil massage with almond and olive oil, meditation, yoga, and regular exercise such as walking are all examples of a healthy lifestyle.
● Ashwagandha, arjuna, astragalus, cardamom, comfrey root, garlic, ginseng, guggul, hawthorn berries, sandalwood, and zizphus are anti-vata herbs.

Pitta – type menopause

Symptoms– Prone to Hot flashes, night sweats, heavy periods, excessive bleeding, urinary tract infections, skin rashes, and acne are among symptoms of menopause.

● Increase your consumption of cooling foods, water, sweet juicy fruits (grapes, pears, plums, mango, melons, apples), yellow squash cucumber, and organic foods in your diet.
● Avoid spicy foods, hot beverages, and alcohol, and don’t eat late at night. Style of life: Go to bed at 10 p.m., give yourself a coconut and sesame oil massage, and utilise meditation and other strategies to calm down.
● Exercise and sun exposure are restricted. Aloe vera, arjuna, barberry, golden seed, saffron, sandalwood, and shatavari are anti-pitta herbs to use.
Kapha type Menopause

Symptoms– Weight gain, sluggish digestion, fluid retention, sleepiness, melancholy, lack of motivation are some of the symptoms.

● Consume fruits and whole-grown vegetables, as well as spices such as black pepper, turmeric, and ginger.
● Meat, dairy, sweets, cold foods, and beverages should be avoided. Get up early (6 a.m.) and massage with mustard oil.
● Bay berry, caynne, guggulu, motormort, and mustard are anti-kapha herbs to use.


Diet has a vital role in balancing hormones during premenopause and menopause, and health concerns at menopause signify abnormalities in the body that were always present. Consume a diversified diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dried beans. It contains a lot of phytoestrogen. Variety and moderation are essential since, just as too much oestrogen can be harmful after menopause, so can too much phyto oestrogen. These persistent symptoms, according to Ayurveda, are caused by the accumulation of wastes and toxins in the body tissue, referred to as “ama.” Traditional Ayurvedic treatment of menopause in Ayurveda ,Kerala, includes the cleansing regimen “panchakarma,” may be required in this scenario to clear the body’s channels and provide relief. Menopause is a time when lifestyle management is especially important. Menopause symptoms serve as a wake-up call from Mother Nature to pay more attention to one’s health.


1. Which Ayurvedic medicine is best for menopause?
Shatavari is an important herb. This is the number one Ayurvedic herb for menopausal symptoms. It’s described as naturally cooling and moistening to the reproductive organs, aiding in the relief of hot, dry symptoms of menopause while also increasing libido.”

2. Is Ayurveda beneficial during menopause?

Ayurveda can be extremely beneficial in navigating menopause gracefully. Natural foods and lifestyle changes can make or ruin your relationship. Foods with vata and pitta aggravating characteristics must be avoided at all costs.