Ayurveda Treatment for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones tend to get weaker due to increased fragility and deterioration. In this condition, the bones become porous and undergo loss of bone tissue. The problem with Osteoporosis is that it is hard to detect. Most patients do not come to know of its existence unless a fracture occurs. Regardless of gender, the prevalence of Osteoporosis tends to increase with age. Reduction in bone formation and resorption processes are behind the increased risk of hip fractures and other bone problems.Traditional Ayurveda Treatment for Osteoporosis includes using oil therapy and various herbs. According to Ayurveda, changes in the level of Vata are the root cause of Osteoporosis. You can avail of complete Ayurveda treatment in Kerala for effective results.

Ayurveda Treatment for Osteoporosis

What Does Ayurveda Say About Osteoporosis?

According to Ayurveda, the bones and cartilages provide structure to the body and help to protect vital organs. Some causes of Osteoporosis are believed to be the consumption of dry vegetables, engaging in very heavy exercises, irregular dietary habits, extreme stress and staying awake at night. The related symptoms of Osteoporosis are loosening of joints, fractures in bones, dryness, diseases of hair, teeth and nails, and pain in the bones. Delayed healing of bones and deformities are further indicators which may require Ayurvedic treatment of osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis Ayurvedic Treatment In India

There are several Ayurveda treatments for Osteoporosis in India. Some of the best ones can be availed in Kerala. Let us take a look at the best osteoporosis treatment in Ayurveda.

It involves massaging the body with the help of medicated oils. Warm oil is applied using gentle and firm strokes. Depending on the dosha, the massage may be done with sesame oil, castor oil, coconut oil, ghee or mustard oil. It may be helpful to consume such oils as well.

It is an Ayurveda Treatment for Osteoporosis that involves detoxification of the body. The therapy is believed to help strengthen the bones and treat various diseases of the body. Following this treatment can help to restore the normal function of tissues and organs in the body.

Ayurvedic Herbs That Help In Osteoporosis

Nirgundi helps in treating Vatadosha and provides relief from pain. In the process, it helps to add strength to the bones. With its effect on the nervous and circulatory systems, it can help reduce swelling in joints and strained limbs.

Eranda is known to show analgesic and laxative properties. The main purpose of using it is to reduce the swelling in the body. Using Eranda oil can help treat pain in bones and joints which is common during Osteoporosis. It is one of the best osteoporosis ayurvedic medicine which helps to strengthen the bones by destroying vitiated Vatadosha.

Shallaki is one of the leading ayurvedic remedies for osteoporosis. In Ayurveda, it is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it is known to display anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties. It can have significant benefits regarding bone conditions in Osteoporosis.

In Kerala, one of the leading ayurvedic medicine for osteoporosis treatment is Shunthi. It has osteoprotective effects due to which it prevents bone mineral density loss. Also, it helps to reduce inflammation, providing healing to the bones and eliminating pain in the bones.

Useful Ayurvedic Medicines For Osteoporosis

Here are some options for the best ayurvedic medicine for osteoporosis:

LakshaGuggulu: It helps to provide relief from the early signs of osteoporosis, which includes pain in knee joints, restriction of movement, stiffness and tenderness.

PravalaPishti: The chemical constituency of this powder is calcium carbonate, due to which it is a very important medicine for those suffering from Osteoporosis. It is an easily digestible source of calcium with laxative and diuretic properties.

MahayogarajGuggulu: It contains a mixture of long pepper root, choijhal, long pepper, and other ingredients. According to Ayurveda, it is especially useful in treating Osteoporosis which results due to problems in ashtidhatu.

MuktashuktiBhasma: It is made from the ashes of a pearl and its shell and helps to balance the Vata and pitta levels in the body. It helps to add strength and nourishment to the body, thereby proving to be an effective treatment for this condition.
It is important to consult a qualified Ayurveda specialist for the best course of treatment for Osteoporosis. For the best Ayurveda Treatment for Osteoporosis, you can reach out to specialists in Kerala who are renowned for providing the best medical treatment for the condition.

Dietary Modifications To Treat Osteoporosis

The road to Ayurveda Treatment for Osteoporosis goes through making several modifications in your lifestyle as well as diet. Here are a few tips to keep monitor and correcting the condition.
1. Try to reduce excess body weight
2. Maintain a routine of exercising regularly
3. Eat nutritious foods which can be digested easily
4. Avoid stress
5. Increase intake of fruits and vegetables
6. Avoid consumption of alcohol and smoking
7. As far as possible, avoid consuming salty and pungent foods
8. Avoid consuming too much coffee
9. Do not indulge in too much walking or over-exercising

These measures should be observed along with Ayurveda Treatment for Osteoporosis to observe maximum results. When consumed regularly, these medicines and maintenance tips can help to manage Osteoporosis to a large extent.

Avail Ayurveda Treatment for Osteoporosis In Kerala

Ayurveda Treatment for Osteoporosis can be very effective if taken by a trained professional. atIshani Ayurveda, you can come and get treated for Osteoporosis by experts, who understand the very ayurveda down to its very core. They are adept at delivering targeted solutions and treatment for the condition, which can be very helpful for you if you are suffering from Osteoporosis.