Ayurveda Treatment for Thyroid

What Is Thyroid Gland and What Is Ayurvedic Thyroid Treatment In Kerala?

Ayurveda Treatment for ThyroidAn endocrine gland is the thyroid gland in your neck. It produces the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which are released into the bloodstream (T3). The thyroid gland is located directly below your Adam’s apple in front of your neck. Hypothyroidism occurs when your thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones to keep you healthy. And hyper is when your thyroid hormones, thyroxine, and triiodothyronine, are produced in excess, and your thyroid becomes hyperactive. The two may work in various ways, but they both cause problems with a person’s general physical functionality. When there is too much thyroid hormone in the bloodstream, it is called thyrotoxicosis. It could be due to the thyroid gland’s uncontrollability (also known as hyperthyroidism), as in Graves’ disease, a benign thyroid tumor, or thyroid inflammation. Ayurveda treatment for thyroid includes specialized meditation, spiritual healing, healthy nutrition, lifestyle behaviors, and herbal formulations that can all be used to treat hyper- and hypothyroidism. Thyroid ayurvedic therapy as part of ayurvedic treatment in Kerala is the most effective technique to get rid of it and live a healthy life.
Thyroid difficulties are caused by any disruption in the thyroid’s normal functioning, a butterfly-shaped gland located low on the front of the neck. The thyroid is located near the front of the windpipe, below Adam’s apple. Goiter, thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, Graves disease, thyroid cancer, thyroid nodule, and thyroid storm are caused by thyroid abnormalities. While prompt ayurvedic treatment for thyroid nodules is critical, the time and type of treatment one chooses are critical.

Ayurvedic Treatment for thyroid-stimulating hormone

Ashwagandha (Withaniasomnifera) is a stress-relieving adaptogen herb. It can be found growing wild in Northern Africa and India. It’s an important herb in Ayurveda. According to a few small trials, it may help cure hypothyroidism by reducing stress hormone levels. More research is needed, though, before determining how successful it is. Researchers looked at the effects of Ashwagandha on 50 persons with moderate hypothyroidism who didn’t reach a clinical level in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. The subjects were given 600 milligrams of Ashwagandha root every day for eight weeks the researchers. Compared to a placebo, subjects who took Ashwagandha had significantly improved thyroid hormone levels at the end of the trial. Ashwagandha’s influence on thyroid hormone levels in persons with bipolar disorder was investigated in a 2014 study. Patients who took Ashwagandha for eight weeks saw significant changes in their thyroid hormone levels compared to those who took a placebo.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Thyroid Goitre

Goiter is caused by vitiated Kapha, according to Ayurveda. Vata is sometimes to blame as well. Galaganda, or Goitre, is a condition in which vitiated Kapha combines with fat tissues, creating severe swelling in the throat. Ayurveda suggests home treatments for Goitre. Jalkumbhi, an aquatic plant, and drumstick help raise iodine levels in the body. Coriander (dhania) and jeerak siddha jala are other anti-inflammatory herbs. Kale, broccoli, and cauliflower are examples of raw vegetables that should be avoided. Because thyroid disorders cause vitamin D insufficiency, early morning sun exposure is a great treatment. Ayurveda also recommends avoiding natural sugars and processed sugars. Green leafy vegetables, as well as fruits like apples and bananas, are high in vitamin A. To aid with thyroid issues, boil some ginger in water and consume it like tea. KanchanaraGuggulu is an excellent ayurvedic compound for sustaining thyroid hormone stimulation. It also controls the function of the thyroid gland. Furthermore, it improves glandular activity to minimize swelling caused by Goitre.

Can Ayurveda cure the thyroid?

Metabolism and Thyroid Gland – Certain biochemical activities that occur inside the body impact our life’s growth, repair, reaction, and maintenance. The endocrine glands accomplish these activities, which are collectively known as metabolism. They release hormones into the lymph and bloodstream, which aid in the survival of any living creature. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland located in the lower portion of the neck that regulates metabolism. A live creature without a functioning thyroid will be unable to break down proteins and will be unable to metabolize carbs and micronutrients. Thyroxin is produced by the thyroid gland and promotes oxygen consumption, resulting in the metabolism of all cells and tissues in the body. This technique leads to good physical development. The over-secretion (hyperthyroidism) and under-secretion (hypothyroidism) of thyroxin in the body cause unbalanced chemical changes in the body, leading to various health issues.

Thyroid Disorders from an Ayurvedic Perspective
Ayurveda, an ancient Indian medicinal system, refers to the biochemical (metabolism) process as ‘agni,’ responsible for all internal bodily processes down to the cellular level. The major Ayurvedic literature has a clear notion about thyroid disorders and how to cure them. According to Ayurveda, thyroid disease is caused by an imbalance of tri-doshas induced by climatic conditions, unclean water intake, in-nutritious meals, and bad dietary practices. The KashyapaSamhita (an Ayurvedic treatise credited to the sage Kashyap) attributes the disease’s propagation to climatic conditions such as coldness, dampness, water stagnation, and heavy rains.

Hypothyroidism is caused by the thyroid gland’s ineffective functioning, decreasing thyroxin output. The vitiated Kapha and Pitta doshas, according to Ayurveda, are the underlying cause of this disorder. Constipation, irritability, sensitivity to cold, depression, and dry skin are some of the symptoms of this disease, as are sluggish bodily functions, depressed muscular activity, slow pulse, hoarseness of voice, decreased immune functioning with recurrent infections, constipation, irritability, sensitivity to cold, depression, and dry skin.
In severe situations, a 30ml decoction made from the bark of the KanchanarPunarnava plant taken twice a day on an empty stomach is effective. The pills containing these herbs, KanchanaraGuggulu and PunarnawaadiGuggulu, commonly treat this condition. Other recommendations include naturally eating foods high in iodine, such as fish, shellfish, white onions, potatoes, asparagus, etc. Ayurveda also restricts foods that naturally slow down thyroid function for hypothyroidism patients, such as cabbage, mustard greens, cauliflower, maize, sweet potatoes, and spinach.

Hyperthyroidism is a term that refers to a group of disorders that are all marked by excessive hormone production and an overactive metabolic state. This disorder causes many of the body’s processes to speed up; symptoms include high heart rate, palpitation, shallow breathing, frequent bowel movements, menstruation disturbances, and extreme weariness. A natural cure for this ailment is to consume foods that are natural thyroid suppressors. The consumption of cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, turnips, mustard greens, spinach, and radishes can reduce thyroxin secretion. Other hormone-stimulating foods should be avoided, such as iodized salts, seafood, red meat, dairy products, tobacco, and alcohol.

Dandelion Leaves — A paste made from these leaves and clarified butter effectively treats Goitre, the most common complication of hyperthyroidism. The lukewarm liquid should be administered to the swollen neck area. Allow 20 minutes to pass. It will provide significant relief if you do it every day for two weeks.

Flax Seeds — Ancient Ayurvedic practitioners employed the anti-inflammatory qualities of flax seeds to treat Goitre. The seed is high in antioxidants, making it beneficial in fighting disease. Mix two tablespoons of crushed flax seeds with equal water to make a thick paste. The neck should be treated with it.

Effective Ayurveda treatment for hyperthyroidism

A list of ayurvedic treatments in Kerala for Hyperthyroidism is provided below. These help to clear blocked channels in our bodies, but they also nourish us.

● Melissa Officinalis (Lemon Balm)- TSH binding is inhibited, resulting in hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism symptoms such as tachycardia, sleeplessness, and hyperactivity are also treated with this medication.
● Convolvulus PluricaulisChoisy or Shankhapushpi- Contains liver enzymes, which help alleviate symptoms.
● Leonurus cardiac or mother wart- This medication treats high blood pressure, irregular menstruation cycles, anxiety, and indigestion.
● Officinalis, Emblica, or AmlaGaertn- Amla has several health benefits. It regulates T3 and T4 hormone levels in particular.
● TrigonellaGraceum (fenugreek) -Several Ayurvedic writings identify it as a wonder herb. It’s very good in lowering T3 hormone levels.
● Stone AegleMarmelos (apple)- The hormones secreted by the thyroid glands are balanced.
● In particular, Ocimum sanctum (tulsi)-Tulsi leaf juice lowers T4 levels.
● MoringaOleifera (Shirish)- T3 and T4 levels can be balanced with this supplement.


The massage and stimulation that the thyroid glands receive when practicing yoga are advantageous to the entire endocrine system’s balance and function. The Asanas also aid normal gland functioning by improving blood circulation and energy flow. Thyroid problems can be treated with yoga positions such as:

Matsyasana and Halasana: The stretching and compression involved in these yogasanas rejuvenate and revitalize the thyroid gland and ward off any existing ailments. These amazing Asanas also boost energy, reduce stress, and alleviate muscle and joint stiffness associated with thyroid problems.

Pranayama: Improper thyroid function can cause mood swings and melancholy. It becomes extremely difficult for sufferers to achieve mental and physical serenity. The most fundamental breathing exercise in yoga, pranayama, creates the peace and concentration that a person needs.


Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala is unquestionably your best option when it comes to thyroid disorders. Natural herbs are both safe and successful in treating this ailment, and when combined with magical yoga poses and nutritious diets, you can put your anxieties at bay.


1. Is Ayurveda capable of curing thyroid disease permanently?

Yes, ayurvedic treatment in Kerala can help with hypothyroidism. Some ayurvedic remedies can permanently cure thyroid problems, allowing you to ditch your morning drugs and their negative effects.

2. Is Ayurveda beneficial to the thyroid?

Thyroid disease is caused by an imbalance of these doshas in the body. Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala focuses on managing the thyroid through balancing the body’s energies and correcting the thyroxin hormone’s circulation. It gives thyroid sufferers some simple home remedies that they can use to manage their thyroid.