Ayurveda Treatment for Gastrointestinal Disease

How do you cope with Gastrointestinal Disease?

Gastrointestinal Disease - What do we know

The digestive system contains the numerous organs of the human digestive tract from the mouth to the anal orifice and the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. The Gastrointestinal (GI) system/gastric system is also known as the digestive system. Gastrointestinal illness refers to any condition that impairs the GI system’s operation ability. Inappropriate eating habits and some bad lifestyle choices are said to be the causes of stomach problems in Ayurveda. Gastrointestinal illnesses are also caused by advancing age, some infections, and other GI tract ailments (tumors and absorption issues). Ayurvedic treatment for gastrointestinal disease in Kerala focuses on identifying and addressing the problem’s core cause. It also includes recommendations for preserving gastric health by easy dietary, lifestyle, and medication adjustments.

Some common symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders

Naturally, the symptoms of digestive diseases differ from one illness to the next and from one individual to the next. Most gastrointestinal diseases, however, share some symptoms. The Ayurvedic treatment for gastrointestinal disease in Kerala also helps permanently reduce the disease’s symptoms. Symptoms that are common include:

Uncomfortable stomach (bloating, pain or cramps)
The weight reduction that occurs unintentionally
Nausea and vomiting
Reflux of acid (heartburn)
Constipation and diarrhoea (or sometimes both)
Incontinence of the bowels
Appetite loss.
Swallowing problems

Some common causes of gastrointestinal disorders

Some common causes include:

        1. Diet with low fiber

In terms of digestive health, fiber, a type of carbohydrate found in plants that cannot be digested, is essential. It makes you feel full and helps you digest certain meals. Everyone is talking about gut health or the health of your microbiome, and fiber is a big component of it. Fibers are a great source of nutrition for the billions of good bacteria (your microbiota) that live happily in our large intestine and give various health advantages.

        2. Stress

Stress and anxiety impact not just your mental health but also your digestive health, particularly the gut bacteria. According to recent medical studies, there is a well-established relationship between the GI system and the brain. The stomach has more neurons than the entire spinal cord because the two are always in bi-directional communication, transmitting messages to each other. Stress has been linked to various digestive disorders, including appetite loss, inflammation, bloating, cramps, and microbiota alterations.

       3. Less water consumption

Water is essential for digestive health since it aids in the cleansing of the whole gastrointestinal system. Water softens the stool, which helps to prevent constipation. More importantly, water is believed to improve your digestive system by aiding in the breakdown of meals and allowing the GI tract to absorb nutrients more quickly and efficiently. You invite all kinds of stomach troubles if you don’t drink enough water. You may acquire that 8 glasses of fluids a day by consuming unsweetened coffee, tea, or even sparkling water.Just stay away from sugary beverages like soda

       4. Increased dairy food consumption

Dairy is a very recent addition to the human diet, it was not consumed throughout the first 200,000 years or so of humanity’s history. Milk and cheeses are often high in difficult-to-digest lipids and proteins, and some medical research suggests that they have a pro-inflammatory impact. That’s why eating a lot of dairy products might make you feel bloated, gassy, constipated, and have stomach cramps.

       5. Lack of activity in daily routine

It isn’t good for your general and digestive health if you don’t get enough physical activity. That is why physicians prescribe a mix of exercise, a change in diet that avoids items that induce inflammation while boosting intake of nutrients that combat inflammation, and, if required, medication to treat specific GI issues.

       6. Aging

Unfortunately, aging is inevitable, and it adds to the risk of gastrointestinal problems. Digestive gland activity declines as we age, impacting gut motility, reflux, and the development of some digestive diseases. Cancers of the digestive system are also more likely to occur as people get older.


Your genes are yet another inescapable aspect. Many immunological and autoimmune gastrointestinal illnesses have a genetic component, which is passed down from generation to generation. In certain circumstances, having these altered genes is enough to cause a Gi disease (think cystic fibrosis or hereditary pancreatitis). Thankfully, they predispose you to the disease most of the time, suggesting environmental variables at play. This implies that, while your genes play a role in the tale, they aren’t the whole picture. Changes in one’s lifestyle may be able to assist. Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, and certain liver diseases are examples of predisposed genetic disorders.

Ayurvedic treatment of gastrointestinal problems

Some ayurvedic treatments for gastric problems are discussed below:


The Ayurvedic bodily detoxification therapy is known as “Panchkarma,” which includes SnehaVasti. Vasti refers to an enema, the anal route of medicine delivery. It entails the use of medicinal oil or ghee. The VataDosha is balanced by using SnehaVasti.

Padabhyanga( Foot massage )

Ayurvedic foot massage with herbal oil is known aspadabhyanga. It stimulates several unique places on foot, resulting in mental calm. Padabhyanga is a typical pre-treatment for several of the most effective Ayurvedic treatments. A herbal foot massage focusing on critical pressure points is used to balance the Doshas. Padabhyangam is used as a prelude to various therapies for gastrointestinal issues. It primarily prepares and relaxes the body.

Vamana (includes AbhyangaTreatment )

Vamana is an Ayurvedic medication that purifies the upper digestive tract. Vamana begins with the ingestion of medicinal ghee in increasing quantities over 3 to 7 days, as well as a full-body Abhyangam massage. This lasts a few days before ending with therapeutic vomiting. Induced vomiting is part of Vamana, and it aids in the removal of waste products (vitiated doshas) from the body. This is a key part of Panchkarma therapy and is helpful in the treatment of Kapha-dominant conditions, including asthma, cough, and psoriasis.

Virechanam (includes Abhyanga Treatment)

Virechanam is an Ayurvedic therapy in which a person takes an oral drug that causes them to purge. The anal pathway is used to remove undesirable Doshas from the body. Virechanam begins with the ingestion of drugs in medicinal ghee, oils, or churna (powders). The dose is set so that therapeutic purgation (excretion) occurs at the end of treatment.


Kashaya refers to medical decoctions, whereas Vasti refers to drug delivery through the rectum. Enema with a medicinal decoction is used in KashayaVasti therapy. It aids in the evacuation of pain-causing gas and the removal of toxins for the goal of bodily detoxification. Constipation, neurological diseases, paralysis, flatulence, lower backache, gout, and rheumatism are all treated with KashayaVasti.


1. Which Ayurvedic medication is helpful for a gastrointestinal problem?

Herbs like jeera and fennel are commonly used to relieve bloating and decrease intestinal gas. Hingwashtakchurna, Hinguvachadichurna, Ajamodhachurna, and Avipattikarachurna are some Ayurvedic remedies that can be used.

2. In Ayurveda, how do I clean my intestines?

While cleaning, eat three meals of this classic Ayurvedic food and drink plenty of warm drinks to cleanse the system. Warm water is a basic complement, although herbal teas can be added depending on your doshas. According to personal preference and body type, spices, oil, salt, and a vegetable may also be added.