Ayurvedic Treatment for Hyperlipidemia

HyperlipidemiaWondering how to lower hyperlipidemia naturally? The potential for hyperlipidemia to contribute to the pathophysiology of atherosclerotic diseases like coronary heart disease, which dominate the list of illnesses leading to morbidity and mortality worldwide. Ayurvedic treatment for hyperlipidemia suggests that the basic method of treating high cholesterol levels is to make changes to one’s diet and behavior at the same time or before using cholesterol-lowering medications. Elevated serum levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, or both are referred to as hyperlipidemia. It has the potential to lead to a number of problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and other conditions. It is characterized by abnormally increased lipid concentrations in blood brought on by poor lipid and lipoprotein metabolism.

The majority of the time, high cholesterol goes undiagnosed until a coronary occlusion and heart attack happen. High cholesterol levels cause major issues by damaging the arteries and restricting blood flow. A blood test is the best approach to determine the cholesterol level. To guarantee safety, it is advised that those with heart disease, diabetes, and other medical disorders get their cholesterol checked every six months.

In Ayurveda, hyperlipidemia is referred to as medoroga. Quitting smoking, consuming fewer saturated fats, managing blood pressure, maintaining a healthy body weight, and engaging in regular physical activity are a few behavioral changes one may undertake to lower their cholesterol. Despite the focus on behavioral changes like weight management and exercise, the majority of patients use medicines to lower their LDL-C levels.

The main goal of ayurvedic treatment for hyperlipidemia is to restore the harmony of the upset body-mind matrix by dietary and behavioural changes, pharmacological administration, and detoxification and rejuvenation therapies. Dravyagunavigyan is the name of the field of Ayurvedic study that deals with plants and their properties. Based on this understanding, ayurvedic formulations are created and mostly consist of herbs. A single herb or a combination of several herbs may be used in traditional and proprietary Ayurvedic formulations. These herbs may be present as juice, extract, powder, tablets, or decoctions.

The primary dietary restrictions, behavioural changes, yoga, pranayama (breathing exercises), physical activity, langhanachikitsa (emaciation therapy), panchakarma (five actions of cleansing), and herbal remedies are all considered by ayurvedic treatment for hyperlipidemia when addressing the issue of cholesterol disorders. Arjuna, guggulu, and garlic (Allium sativum) are the principal herbs used to lower cholesterol (Terminaliaarjuna). These three plants are present in the majority of Ayurvedic formulations, either by themselves or in combination with other herbs and other substances. Pushkarmoola (Inularacemosa), ginger, turmeric, shilajit, punarnawa (Boerrhaviadiffusa), triphala, nigella sativa, garcinia, cyperusrotundus, and licorice are some of the other components that may be combined with the herbs described above.

Ayurvedic herbal remedies as stated in ayurvedic treatment for hyperlipidemia are founded on ideas that might not fully correspond to those of contemporary medicine. Some of them have, nevertheless, been investigated in order to determine potential mechanisms of action. We hypothesize that Ayurvedic medicines include bioactive substances that have cholesterol-lowering properties. For instance, guggulsterone from guggulu inhibits the farnesoid X receptor (FXR), which controls the liver’s metabolism of cholesterol. There have also been some claims that guggulipid enhances cholesterol catabolism by increasing thyroid hormone metabolism. Another Ayurvedic herb that lowers cholesterol, T. arjuna, has been shown to exhibit hypocholesterolemic properties.

Hypercholesterolemia is a prime example of toxin buildup in the bodily pathways, according to Ayurvedic treatment for hyperlipidemia. Ama, which are extra toxins produced by impaired digestion at the tissue level, build up and clog the channels. The treatment programme at Ishani Ayurveda is centred on dietary suggestions and medical interventions that balance the body’s general metabolism of fat. The treatment plan comprises massages and ayurvedic decoctions for body balancing, to clear toxins from the channels, and to restore the digestive fire. Its goal is to cure the underlying cause of the excessive cholesterol levels.

The treatment programmes under ayurvedic treatment for hyperlipidemia are made specifically for each patient based on their health status and incorporate detoxifying methods like Panchakarma and powder massage (udwarthana) to ensure that fat is properly converted in the body. To boost the body’s immunity and strength, herbal medicines that are made from herbs that naturally decrease cholesterol are given to patients. Proper diet plans that include foods that are simple for the body to digest and absorb are advised during the treatment phase. Yoga asanas are among the recommended regular physical activities because they help with appropriate digestion and elimination by improving blood circulation via the body’s channels.

With a personalized treatment plan and lifestyle changes, Ishani Ayurveda offers safe and efficient ayurvedic treatment for hyperlipidemia that extends solutions to lower and maintain healthy levels of high density and low density cholesterol in the body. Schedule a consultation right away to learn more about high cholesterol therapy options.

Ayurvedic methods for lowering cholesterol involve dietary changes including consuming fewer calories and fat. Effective approaches to decrease cholesterol levels include reducing excess calories and replacing manufactured foods with healthy foods like those recommended in Ayurvedic diets. An additional Ayurvedic herb that may help decrease cholesterol is ashwagandha (Withaniasomnifera). Taking different amounts of up to 1 gram per day resulted in significant drops in total cholesterol relative to baseline, according to a 30-day research involving 18 persons. According to research, several Ayurvedic remedies, such as dietary changes and herbal supplementation, may lower cholesterol levels. Ayurvedic herbs are the basis of Ayurveda treatment in Kerala butcan have adverse effects and aren’t necessarily safe for everyone. Consult with Ayurvedic practitioner if you want to experience Ayurvedic medication.