Ayurveda Treatment for Allergy
How do you cope with allergy?
Allergy is known to be a disorder of the immune system and may occur when a hyperactive or sensitive immune system responds to an uncommon substance. An excessive reaction to a specific medication, food sources, ecological aggravations or substances, or conditions like temperature and certain climates are called allergies. Ayurveda Treatment for Allergy in Kerala is quite famous for it’s astounding results. For thousands of years, vaidyas in Kerala have been dealing with an array of allergies’ and have successfully resolved them without intrusion of any other medication system. Even today, ayurvedic doctors have just the right treatment plan based specially for your needs!
– Runny or blocked nose
– Itchy, red eyes & watery
– Chest tightness, shortness of breath
– Cough or wheezing
– Swelling in any body part
– Red, dry or cracked skin
– Stomach ache
– Anaphylaxis

– Weak Agni
– Toxin accumulation
– Body constitution
– State of tissues
– Amount of allergens entered in the body
– Weak immune system
– Family history
Ayurveda & Allergies
When the digestive fire, known as Agni, in the body becomes feeble, it creates toxins in the body. These toxins influence the working of the body. Absence of maintenance of the Doshas like Vata, Pitta, and Kapha further stimulates the condition. At the point when allergens enter the body, the body can expel them from the inside normally and when in any case, if toxins enter the body, the affect the immune system negatively. Thus, the immune system fails to battle against allergic responses in the presence of toxins in the body. When this proceeds for quite a while, the sensitivity turns into an ongoing condition.
These substances go about as antigens, leading to a response in the body which includes creation of specific substances, like histamine. Allergies can be hereditary too. Any substance, irrespective of its source is a potential allergen. Food sources, medicines and different components like dust, pollen, hair, and so forth would all be able to cause an allergy.
Treatment for allergies depend upon the type of allergy – ayurvedic treatment from dust allergy will be different from ayurvedic treatment for skin allergy. Hence, it is very important to see a vaidya or ayurvedic doctor.
Ayurvedic Treatment
Satmya is a term utilized in Ayurveda which implies resistance. Asatmya is a term which implies narrow mindedness.
This resilience can be towards any medication, food, climate, or any propensities. Ayurveda accepts that Asatmya is a consequence of frail or imbalanced Agni or digestive fire. A powerless Agni implies there is Ama or toxin development in the body.
Ayurveda has faith in Nidana – Parivarjanam. This implies evasion of the reason for the sickness. From a sensitive stance, Ayurveda says stay away from all normal allergens in day-to-day existence. The Ayurvedic approach of treatment of any conditions goes under two classes:
2. Shodhana: Ayurvedic detoxification which assists with eliminating the underlying driver of the allergy and likewise assists with revising the imbalanced Agni, disposes Dosha from the body and assists with fortifying the immune system. The five activities of detoxification are as per the following and help to dispense with abundance Doshas as follows:
– Helpful retching orVamana for Kapha related sensitivities
– Restorative purgation or Virecana for Pitta related sensitivities
– Sedated purifications or Basti for Vata related hypersensitivities
– Phlebotomy or RaktaMoskhana for Blood related and Pitta related sensitivities
– Nasal medicines or Nasya for Kapha related hypersensitivities
2. Shamana: Treatments for intense periods of hypersensitive responses.
Ayurvedic treatment for allergic sneezing relieves the influence of tingling, rashes, swelling, and knocks on the skin surface. Ordinarily, sensitivities cause rhinitis prompting nasal blockage, runny nose, bodily fluid aggregation, wheezing, and other such conditions. Ayurvedic treatment for rhinitis is a long but viable one. Chilly climate can deteriorate the present circumstance. Allergy to food is another normal issue that causes stomach disorders. It can prompt regurgitating and loose bowels. The side effects of allergy would rely upon which Dosha is irritated the most. Ayurvedic medication like Histantin assists with adjusting vitiated Doshas and keeps up with typical wellbeing.
Septilin tablets are useful in dealing with a wide range of allergies. As the disorder occurs due to frail resistance and irregularity in the body’s energies, septilin assists with re-establishing harmony and fortifies resistance. This makes this Ayurvedic supplement extremely viable. As it doesn’t have chemical substances, it is normally safe to use.