Ayurvedic Treatment for Lung Disease

How do you cope with Lung Diseases?

The lungs and heart are two critical organs in the body that must perform correctly to live a healthy life. For correct functioning, these main organs require a lot of lubricants, a balanced diet, and regular care. According to the World Health Organization, polluted air is inhaled by 92 percent of the world’s population. The hazardous small toxic components can penetrate deep into the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, causing damage and resulting in almost 6 million deaths per year. Ayurveda Treatment for Lung Disease in Kerala focuses on relieving the toxics making your lungs function rhythmically.

The lungs are important organs in respiration because they carry oxygenated blood to all of the body’s organs and expel waste stuff from the cells during expiration. Lungs continually filter, preserve, and convert the air to keep it clean and free of toxins and other contaminants. People with impaired respiratory systems experience acute coughing, wheezing, and watery eyes when they inhale dangerous poisons and pollutants. With the development of the coronavirus, it is more vital than ever to protect the lungs, strengthen the respiratory system, and protect it from damaging pollutants and a fatal virus. The Ayurvedic treatment for lung disease in Kerala is based on plants and herbs freely available in the environment. Thank you to Mother Nature for providing you with a diverse range of herbs that are beneficial in combating hazardous pollutants and promoting lung health.

Types of lung diseases

         1. Asthma affects people of all ages and from all walks of life worldwide. The airways of asthmatic individuals are chronically irritated, resulting in wheezing, shortness of breath, and cough. Allergies, illness, and pollution are major asthma causes. Asthma is becoming more common in India due to changes in lifestyle, increased pollution, smoking, and urbanization. Early diagnosis, consistent therapy, and avoidance of allergens help keep symptoms under control and enhance the quality of life.

        2. COPD (Common Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that obstructs air passage out of the lungs. It is a catch-all term for chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and other lung diseases. COPD is India’s second major cause of mortality. Smoking, traditional stoves utilizing firewood, charcoal, mosquito coils, dhoopbatti, incense sticks, occupational exposure, and crackers are controllable risk factors.

        3. Acute bronchitis is characterized by a rapid infection in the airways and is generally caused by a virus. Tobacco smoke, fumes, dust, and air pollution are major causes of acute bronchitis. Acute bronchitis affects around 5% of individuals at some point in their lives, and 90% of those who get it seek medical help.

        4. Lung infection (pneumonia) is a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection of the lungs. Pneumonia is an infection that affects one or both lungs, causing inflammation in the air sacs. Cough, sputum, fever, and chest pain are signs of pneumonia. Pneumonia may affect anybody, although people in specific age groups are more susceptible to the condition. Infants from birth to 2 years of age and seniors aged 65 and above are included. The condition is treated, and complications are avoided promptly when medical care is received.

       5. Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious illness caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis.The lungs are generally infected with tuberculosis. It’s an airborne, infectious sickness. Cough, fever, weight loss, and blood in sputum are all common signs of the condition. TB can be lethal if not treated promptly. The condition can now be cured completely.

       6. Lung Cancer: Without a doubt, the most serious of lung illnesses, lung cancer is India’s and the world’s top cause of cancer fatalities. Some of the most frequent signs of lung illness are a persistent cough, chest discomfort, hoarseness, weight loss, and others. Other risk factors include asbestos exposure and other toxins, as well as a family history of cancer. People who have never smoked are also at risk for lung cancer, albeit smokers are at a greater risk.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Lung Disease

Vasaka– Vasaka leaf, also known as Adhatodavasica or Malabar nut, is a well-known Ayurvedic respiratory medicinal. It works as a powerful bronchial stimulator, removing excess phlegm from the throat, clearing the lungs, improving bronchodilation, and treating bronchitis, TB, and other lung illnesses. To obtain relief from cough and other cold symptoms, make a cocktail of Vasaka leaves and drink it.

Kalmeghroot and leaf is a well-known Ayurvedic treatment for various respiratory disorders. Kalmegh’s anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant, and immune-stimulatory characteristics help treat infection, fever, common cold, cough, flu, and other respiratory issues.

Pippaliis a tried-and-true natural medicine that works wonders for common respiratory problems. It acts as an anti-irritant, reducing inflammation, mucus production, and nasal congestion. To treat a common cold, cough, bronchitis, and asthma, boil a few pippali in half a glass of milk and drink the mixture.

Licorice is a useful herbal remedy for secreting good mucus, releasing phlegm, and clearing the nose channel. Licorice root is a vital herbal demulcent that protects the respiratory system while soothing inflamed throats. Chew a licorice twig or drink a licorice combination to gain immediate relief from a sore throat, cough, or other respiratory difficulties.

Astragalusis a magnificent plant used in Chinese traditional medicine for over a century to strengthen and lubricate the lungs and boost the immune system. Astragalus’ immune-boosting effects can help with common colds, coughs, flu, respiratory infections, seasonal allergies, and asthma.


 1. In Ayurveda, how can I strengthen my lungs?
Pranayama increases lung capacity and strengthens your immune system to combat lung disorders. VaspSwedana is an Ayurvedic technique for maintaining the mucosal layer’s health. You may do it at home by adding 2-3 drops of Eucalyptus or peppermint oil to 1 liter of heating water and inhaling the steam.

 2. Is Ayurveda capable of curing COPD?
According to Ayurveda, successful COPD treatment comprises Nidanaparivarjana, which entails lifestyle and dietary changes, Shamana, a pacification treatment, and Shodhana, a biopurifactory approach technique.

 3. Is Amla beneficial to those who have asthma?
Amla is abundant in vitamin C, which helps to boost immunity and asthma tolerance. Its anti-inflammatory qualities are essential for reducing the intensity of an asthma attack.