Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment in Ayurveda Kerala, iNDIA
If there is one disease that affects the majority of India’s people today, whether they are young or elderly, it is diabetes. Unfortunately, this long-term condition marked by high blood sugar levels also brings on a wide range of medical issues, the most notable of which is diabetic neuropathy. The neurological system’s tissues are usually harmed by persistently increased blood glucose levels. This causes the body’s nerves to get damaged, especially in the feet’s extremities, a disease known as diabetic neuropathy. In addition to increasing the risk of foot ulcers, sensory loss, and numbness in the legs and feet, diabetic neuropathy also increases the risk of urine incontinence, high blood pressure, or hypertension, digestive problems, and even diminished sexual function in both men and women. Additionally, it causes uncomfortable symptoms like tingling in the hands, blurred or double vision, and lack of concentration, memory, and focus. In Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment in Ayurveda, many herbs that treat the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy and efficiently lower blood sugar levels for better control of diabetes are listed in the renowned manuscripts of CharakaSamhita, AshtangaHridaya, and SushrutaSamhita.
There is no direct relationship between any Vyadhi of Ayurveda and the illness diabetic neuropathy. But Purvaroopa and Prameha’s complications have a similar Lakshana. The primary symptoms of diabetic neuropathy are lancinating pain, burning sensation, tingling sensation, and numbness in the hands and feet.
Diabetic neuropathy symptoms include the word “pain” representing “Ruk.” Vayu has a constant association with all forms of suffering. The word pain is used to denote “Ruk” in AstangaHridaya’sVataprakopakaLakshaas. Vayu has a constant association with all forms of suffering. AstangaHridaya places it under VataprakopakaLakshanas. Daha is experiencing a burning sensation. Pitta is usually related with Daha of any kind, and in this case, Padadaha is caused by Ashyapakarsha of Pitta by Vata. Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment in Ayurveda also mentions the VataNanatmajaRoga .The terms “tingling” or “clanking” are Jhanjhanaya and Chimchimayan. In this case, Harsha is a result of the VataChalaGuna. Additionally, VatavyadhiCikitsa in Chakardatta describes Jhanjhanaya. Supti is Hindi for “numbness.” A sign of SnayuSiraKadraDushti is Supti. VataNanatmajaRoga gives a description of Supti. Classical Ayurvedic texts refer to Suptata (numbness) and Daha (burning sensation) in certain body parts, particularly the hands and feet, as Purvarupa of Prameha. These signs and symptoms are evident in Prameha’s complications.
Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment in Ayurveda mentions some home remedies like bitter gourd or Momordicacharantia, is a wonderful ayurvedic treatment for symptoms of diabetes. Due to the bioactive molecule polypeptide-2, which has hypoglycemic properties, drinking a modest amount of bitter gourd juice has been shown to successfully lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin functioning. This lessens the loss of nerve function and lessens diabetic neuropathy as a result. The tiny, fragrant ajwain seeds, scientifically known as Trachyspermumammi, provide excellent incentives for managing diabetic symptoms. Ajwain water is effective in reducing indigestion, bloating, and flatulence because of its carminative properties and strong plant-based components.Ajwain works to support healthy digestion and treat gut issues brought on by diabetic neuropathy in this way.
Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment in Ayurveda also states that tried-and-true ayurveda treatment in Kerala for diabetes is gurmar. Gurmar, also known by its scientific name Gymnemasylvestre, is rich in anti-diabetic compounds that help it dramatically improve insulin sensitivity, increase insulin release from the pancreatic beta cells, and reduce after-meal rises in blood sugar. Gurmar also helps with weight loss, managing obesity, and reducing the uncomfortable symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. Withaniasomnifera, often known as ashwagandha, is a rejuvenating plant that has the power to treat a variety of health issues, including diabetic neuropathy. Consuming warm water decoctions of ashwagandha powder significantly increases blood flow to the nerves, relaxes tense muscles, aids in overcoming exhaustion, and boosts stamina in diabetics.
The primary Chikitsa of all illnesses, Shamsodhana, and Shamshamana is NidanaParivarjana, same applies to Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment in Ayurveda. All AyurvedicAcharyas, such as Madhura, Sheeta, Snigha, Guru Ahara, etc., explained that NidanaParivarjana should be avoided as KaphavardhakaAharaVihara. Avoiding bad habits like inactivity, sloth, and sedentary behavior is essential. Purification of the body via panchakarma results in the preservation of homeostasis. The ShalishastikaPindaSwedana is performed after the MriduSnehana. Then Vamana and Virechana perform Samshodhana. When treating diabetic neuropathy, Nasya, Basti, ShastikaPindaSweda, and PatrapindaSweda are effective. Ayurvedic anti-diabetic formula combined with herbs from the TridoshaShamaka, particularly Vatashamaka, Shothahara, Nadibalya (Nervine), and VedanaSthapaka, which are beneficial in the condition of diabetic neuropathy.Bala, Atibala, Ashwagandha, and TilaTaila are emollient and nourishing herbs that may operate by repairing myelin sheaths. They nourish the Snayu and enhance its abilities. All of these medications contain the Vatanashaka property, which may enhance the ability to repair myelin sheaths and the speed of nerve conduction, improving general health, particularly the neurological health of Diabetic Neuropathy patients.
Old foods like Shyama, Kodrava, Uddalika, Godhum, Chanaka, Aadak, and Kullatha are suitable for Madhumeha sufferers to consume (Diabetes). Foods that are suited include bitter-tasting vegetables (Tikta), animal meat and bird eggs from areas that resemble deserts (Jangalamamsa), boiling Yava and its preparations, Mudag, Shali, and Shastika. It is best to stay away from using Shauviraka (fermented gruel), Sura (beer), buttermilk, oils, milk ghee, jaggery, foods treated with sours, sugarcane, juice, food prepared from flour, and meat from marshy regions.
As per Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment in Ayurveda, the following actions can aid in reducing diabetic neuropathy:
● Maintain a balanced diet
● Avoid smoking
● Reduce your alcohol consumption.
● entire grains in place of refined grains
● Avoid missing meals.
● Consume a lot of fruit and veggies.
● Limit your intake of sugar and fat.
● Eat more regularly at smaller meals rather than larger ones.
● Keep an eye on your carbohydrate intake.
To prevent problems, ayurvedic treatment for diabetic neuropathy needs to be managed properly. At Ishani Ayurveda, we have a very organized approach to treating diabetic neuropathy. For each patient, we develop a personalized treatment to their symptoms.