Ayurvedic Treatment for Fibroid in Uterus
How DO YOU COPE WITH Uterine fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are the most common type of mild, non-cancerous tumors found in more than 20% of ladies of reproductive age. Fibroids often remain unnoticed as they do not exhibit any kind of symptoms or any discomfort. Fibroids can occur in varied sizes, shapes and numbers. Even though the occurrence of fibroid is fairly common, the exact cause leading to the formation of uterine fibroids is not known. However, hormonal variations is understood to be one of the main reasons of formation of fibroid in Uterus. A few of the other contributory causes of uterine fibroids are family history of fibroids as well as overweight. In ISHANI AYURVEDA, Ayurvedic Treatment for Fibroid in Uterus is found to be helpful in suppressing the symptoms to a large extent.

Uterus is a hollow organ shaped like an inverted pear with three layers that form the uterine wall.
Endometrium – Innermost mucosal lining that gets shed every month.
Myometrium – Middle smooth muscular layer.
Perimetrium- Outer thicker layer made of epithelial cells.
Uterine fibroids are mostly asymptomatic. Common symptoms exhibited by a person with uterine fibroids can include any of the following:
- Painful menstrual cramps
- Chronic lower back pain
- Abdominal Swelling
- Painful Intercourse
- Clot formation during menstrual flow
- Laboured urination and defecation
- Frequent Miscarriages
- Infertility
- Pressure in the lower abdominal area
How to treat Uterine Fibroids?
In Ayurveda, uterine fibroid is classified under ‘Granthi’ which is identified as hard, glandular and having a rough appearance. It is formed as a result of the appearance of more than one abnormal factor and accumulation of Kaphadosha along with impairments in vata and pitta doshas. Hence, ayurvedic treatment for uterine fibroid is focused on balancing the impaired tridoshas.
The sole solution offered by modern medicine to fibroids is getting surgery. However, ayurvedic treatment of uterine fibroid is about symptomatic management for most less severe cases. If the condition happens to be critical in nature, surgery might be the only solution for the cure. The presence of fibroid in the Uterus can cause disturbances in the menstrual cycle like Menorrhagia leading to heavy menstrual bleeding as well as Dysmenorrhea which refers to having severe pain and menstrual cramps.
Herbal Remedies for Uterine fibroids
We provide the best ayurvedic treatment for uterine fibroids by means of herbal remedies as well as physical therapies. The herbal remedies as described in the classic texts of Ayurveda have proven to have the ability to effectively manage symptoms associated with periods. Ayurvedic treatment is effective in managing and containing the symptoms of fibroids in the Uterus.
Choice of herbs used in the treatment such as Shatavari, Guggulu, Kanchnar, Ashoka, etc can help in reducing fibroids. Herbal medications and formulations like KanchanGuggulu, Chandra PrabhaVatietc are useful toward treatment for bulky uterus with fibroids and also supports the overall well-being of the female reproductive system.
Ashokarishta, a herbal medication efficiently used in managing menstrual disorder associated with uterine fibroids has anti-inflammatory properties which is beneficial in uterine bleeding and thus helps manage menorrhagia. The herbal combination present in Ashokarishta exhibits a strong anti-inflammatory effect, which helps prevent any possible injury to the uterus, ovaries, or any other reproductive organs.
A combination of five ayurvedic procedures that helps in purification of the body by providing complete detoxification is known as Panchakarma therapy. Panchakarma helps the body with hormonal imbalance, block in fallopian tubes, lower back pain etc. As ayurveda is focused on deep body cleansing which in turn boosts the body of its own healing ability, panchakarma is considered an extremely beneficial process in detoxifying the body.
Panchakarma therapy includes five cleansing procedures:
- Vamana – The process of medicated vomiting. It is a cleansing process performed to rid the body of excess mucus and result in a clear digestive system. The process is also essential in releasing anxiety and subdued emotions.
- Virechana – The medical purgation process of bowel cleansing by administering herbal decoctions. Virechana helps the body flush out toxins from the gastrointestinal tract and clear liver congestion.
- Nasya – The procedure performed to clear the nasal passage. Medicated solution is administered to the nasal cavity that helps relieve blockage of channels and thereby curing any prevailing related ailments as well.
- Vasti – The detoxification process performed to cleanse the bowels by rectally administering medicated herbal decoctions is called Vasti. Vasti is an extremely beneficial treatment for vitiated vatadosha.
- Raktamokshana – It is the traditional ayurvedic method of blood purification and cleansing. When there are toxins present inside the gastrointestinal tracts, it gets absorbed into the blood and gets circulated around. Such a condition is referred to as toxemia and is identified as the major reason for repeated infections and multiple skin disorders. To relieve the body of such toxins, bloodletting is performed along with internal medications to help purify and cleanse the blood.
Ayurvedic ways of treatment is not just limited to addressing an ailment as it occurs, but making slow and steady lifestyle changes along with internal medications as well as physical therapies to assist the body in coping up and overcoming the disease is what makes it a holistic way of life. To support the body in healing itself, Ayurveda suggests a few lifestyle and dietary changes to be included as part of the daily regimen such as:
- Having a set sleep and wake timing
As it is known, giving the body time to recuperate is an essential thing to do, if we are trying to undo the damages done to our body over a long period of time. Keep a healthy cycle of sleeping and waking up to help the body heal faster.
- A nutrition rich and balanced diet
For a body to function properly, it requires essential nutrition. Including a nutritionally balanced diet plan can help the body recover faster and healthier.
- Include physical exercises
Be active. Human body is designed to be kept in motion. Perform a fair amount of healthy exercises that deem fit for you. Exercises help the body in amping up the metabolism, which inturn improve elimination of pent up toxins via various channels. Yoga and meditation can help ease the mind and relieve stress.
- Reduce Weight
Certain studies have shown correlation between weight and presence of fibroids. Hence it is advised to try losing a few inches as a step ahead in fighting the condition.
Fibroids in the Uterus is a very common health condition for which ayurveda offers natural remedies without having to go under the knife. Ayurvedic Treatment for Fibroid in Uterus including herbal medications, lifestyle and dietary changes, Panchakarma therapy as well as regular inclusion of yoga and meditation helps in managing the condition and ease the symptoms associated with it.