Treatment of Autism in Ayurveda

Autism spectrum disorders treatment (Kerala, india)

Ayurveda Treatment for Autism

Autism, often known as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), is a significant public health concern worldwide. This developmental or neurodevelopmental disorder impairs a child’s physical, mental, and social development and lasts a lifetime. This has an impact on a child’s ability to function in society. The treatment of Autism in Ayurveda in Kerala, India uses a holistic and authentic approach that offers new hope in the treatment of ASD. Panchakarma therapies, medhya, yoga, and diets together will significantly improve the quality of life of autistic children.

Autism is a complex neurobehavioral disorder that manifests in the first three years of life and includes deficits in social interaction, developing language and communication abilities, and rigid, repetitive behaviors. Even though the symptoms of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) differ from child to child, they can be divided into three categories:
● Inability to interact socially
● Problems with communication
● Behaviors that are repetitive and stereotyped.


Some Common Causes of ASD

A variety of factors causes Autism.

  • Identical twins have a higher risk of developing Autism. If one twin has Autism, the other is likely to have it. Families who already have an autistic kid have a 6% probability of having another child with the disorder.
  • The marriage of blood relatives.
  • Parents of advanced age are at a higher risk of ASD.
  • Pregnant women are exposed to certain chemicals, such as alcohol or medicines used to treat seizures.
  • Heavy metals and environmental pollutants exposure
  • Some viral infections can cause ASD.

Signs and symptoms of ASD
Improper social conduct, communication difficulties, and stereotypic motions are three characteristics of ASD.

Improper social conduct
The majority of youngsters with ASD will struggle with social interactions. Eye contact, body postures, unexpected responses to strangers, no or little social smiling and other emotions, and the youngster prefer to be alone are signs of impaired social interactions.

Difficulty in communication
Children with ASD find difficulty in communication. There will be a lag in linguistic development. Words or deeds will be repeated regularly, and they will be unable to put words together and construct sentences. The voice will seem robotic and flat, and they won’t concentrate on a single subject for long periods.

Stereotypic movements and patterns of behavior
ASD children show Repetitive behavior like hand or fingers movement. They fell hyperactivity, difficulty in fixation of particular objects, lack of coordination and specific routines.

Autism from an Ayurvedic Point of View

According to Ayurveda, disorders like Autism are called Sahajavyadhi, or diseases from birth. These diseases develop due to variables passed down from parents and can be classified as genetic disorders. Autism is a thridosha sickness (a condition caused by the vitiation of the threedoshas) that affects the prakrithi of the body and mind inside the garbhashaya. The Kaphameghna produces vishada (depression), budhinirodha (intellectual difficulties), and other disorders. 

Vatha’schalaguna causes stereotypic movements. Pitha’srajoguna causes krodha (rage), self-harming, and so forth. According to Ayurveda Treatment for Autism (Kerala, India), the mind has sensory and motor functions and abnormalities lead to aberrant motor and sensory functions. Matrujabhava produces Majja (marrow), which is crucial in the formation of Mastulunga (brain) (properties inherited from mother). As a result, the mother’s mental and physical health during pregnancy may impact the child’s development of ASD. Katu ,amla,pradhana,aharas, manasika,vikaras such as krodha,vishada,bhaya, and incorrect dinacharya of the mother result in thridoshakopa and vitiation of the rajas and thamas, which leads to illness development. Abhighatas, infections, and poisoning from garbhasthashishu can impact a child’s mental and physical development.

Ayurvedic Way of Prevention and Treatment Methods (Kerala, India)

Prevention of Autism in Ayurveda (Kerala, India)
Ayurveda considers disease prevention to be more essential than cure. Autism prevention can be accomplished in three stages: prevention before intake, prevention during pregnancy, and prevention after delivery. Detoxification of shareera through panchakarmachikitsa, rasayanaseva, manovikara, and other methods to prevent consumption. 

Panchakarma aids in the removal of body pollutants (vitiated dosha). Renewal of healthy tissues happens as a result of Rasayanachikitsa, which aids in the creation of healthy sperm and ovum. Pregnancy prevention includes a healthy diet and exercises for the mother. During this time, controlling undesirable feelings is very vital.

Treatment of Autism in Ayurveda (Kerala, India)
There are three types of treatment of Autism in Ayurveda in ISHANI AYURVEDA : 

Yukthivyapashraya, Daivavyapashraya, and Satvavajayachikitsa.

  • Intervention Medical (YukthiVyapashraya)
    Internal and external therapy are included in this procedure. Shodhana, Ghrithasevana, and MedhyaRasayana are examples of internal therapies. Nasya, abhyanga, Shirodhara, shiropichu, dhoomapana, thalapothichil, and other external therapies are helpful in the treatment of Autism. The most significant internal medication is medhyarasayanaseva.
  • Spiritual Approach (DaivavyapashrayaChikitsa)
    Spiritual well-being is also vital for managing manovikaras, according to Ayurveda.
  • Mental Health (SatvavajayaChikitsa)
    It refers to treatments that increase a person’s satvaguna. Yoga and pranayama are beneficial to both physical and mental wellness. Yoga therapy can help with social interaction and positively impact CNS function.

Diet Management
In managing manovyadhis, Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of satvikaahara such as shashtikashali, ghritha, ksheera, and others, which increase satvaguna. Also, aharas with katu, amla rasa, or those who are extremely ruksha should be avoided because they increase tamoguna and rajoguna. They also have a tendency to vitiate the thridoshas. Autism is no longer regarded as a handicap. Instead, as a unique skill. Because autistic children require special attention and care, Autism is not merely a condition that affects a single person or family; society plays a significant role in its management. The importance of social awareness cannot be overstated. With its holistic and authentic approach, Ayurveda treatment in Kerala, India offers new hope in the treatment of ASD. Panchakarma therapies, yoga, and diets together will significantly improve the quality of life of autistic children.


1. Is Ayurveda effective in the treatment of Autism?
Ayurvedic intervention and panchakarma therapies such as basti, sirodhara, andnasya, and other procedures, have an excellent potential to lessen the symptoms of Autism without having negative impacts on the body’s growth during the developing stage.

2. What is Panchakarma treatment for Autism?
The therapy of the autistic condition (Autism) is based on Ayurvedic (Alternative Therapy), which involves the balancing act of food, diet, exercise, rest, play, and sleep in treating central nervous system illnesses.