Helicobacter Pylori Treatment Ayurveda

How do you cope with h. pylori?

helicobacter pylori treatment ayurveda

Helicobacter is a bacteria that can cause gastritis and peptic ulcers when it infects the stomach. The tissues of the upper digestive tract, such as the duodenum, are damaged by this bacteria (upper part of the small intestine). Many people are infected with H. Pylori, which can lead to ulcers. The Helicobacter Pylori Treatment Ayurveda in Kerala focuses on using herbs that help remove the disease from its root cause. Children are commonly infected with these microorganisms. H. pylori is resistant to the stomach’s acidic environment. They can reduce acidity in the environment. Due to their spiral structure, they quickly enter the stomach lining, shielded by mucus, and immune cells do not identify them. It has the potential to induce stomach cancer in some people.

Signs and Symptoms of H. Pylori Infection

The majority of infected patients do not show any symptoms until ulcers form. However, gnawing abdominal pain when the stomach is empty, excessive burping, nausea and vomiting, heartburn, loss of appetite (anorexia), fever, inexplicable weight loss, difficulty swallowing, blood in the stool, and anaemia are all indications of H. pylori infection. It spreads through Physical contacts, such as mouth-to-mouth contact, feces-to-mouth contact, not adequately washing hands after defecation, and contaminated food or water.

Diagnosis of H. Pylori
A doctor will be notified if signs and symptoms imply a stomach ulcer, and tests and examinations will be performed to diagnose an H. pylori infection. Blood tests for infection, stool tests for blood and H. pylori in the stool, urea breath test for higher levels of normal gases in the breath, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, and computed tomography scan (CT scan) are some of the tests.

The H. Pylori bacteria can cause a variety of problems, including:
● Weakening the stomach lining: The germs attack the stomach’s protective lining. Urease is an enzyme generated by bacteria that helps lower stomach juices’ acidity. Acids and pepsin, among other digestive fluids, can harm stomach cells, weakening the stomach lining. Ulcers and lesions develop in the stomach and duodenum over time.
● Inflammation: Bacteria can bind to stomach cells, causing inflammation. The stomach’s ability to protect itself is harmed in such circumstances, and the area becomes inflamed.
● Increased acidity: H. Pylori can lower the ph of the stomach by increasing the production of acids. However, the actual reason behind it remains unknown.
● The H. Pylori bacteria can also cause stomach cancer.

There is currently no definitive treatment for the illness. The treatments for the illness, on the other hand, are developing. Microbe resistance and adverse effects are increasing, and eradicating bacteria is becoming more complex. Scientists are developing drugs or chemicals that can act as antibodies against H. pylori. Many people are looking for alternatives to them that are non-toxic, natural, therapeutic, and significantly less expensive. According to research, many fruits and vegetables have antibacterial characteristics that help them fight bacteria.

Helicobacter Pylori Treatment Ayurveda

The Helicobacter Pylori Treatment Ayurveda in ISHANI AYURVEDA provides natural care for H. Pylori. The Vata, Kapha, and Pitta doshas, according to Ayurveda, are responsible for maintaining body balance and good health. Pitta aggravation leads to an infection with H. pylori, resulting in Amla pitta (the problem of acidity). The treatment is aimed at resolving aggravated pitta. Herbs and a healthy diet are pretty helpful in this situation. Herbs that can be used to treat obstinate gut bugs include:

Amla (EmblicaOfficinalis):Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, is particularly beneficial in treating gastritis, chronic acidity, indigestion, and other digestive issues.
Mulethi (GlycyrrhizaGlabra):Mulethi or licorice has been utilized for ages due to its anti-inflammatory characteristics and efficiency in combating H.Pylori and mending the damage.
Ginger (ZingiberOfficinale): Ginger contains gingerol, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound. It is often used to treat gastritis because of its easy availability.
Kumari (Aloe Barbadensis): The aloe vera plant is Kumari. The use of aloe vera juice daily can help to reduce inflammation and aggravation of the pitta dosha. Aloe vera successfully relieves a variety of gastritis and acid reflux symptoms. Aloe vera can also be used to treat a burning sensation in the chest, a sour taste, and other heartburn symptoms. Kumari is frequently used with amla in Ayurveda to alleviate gastritis.
Cardamom (ElettariaCardamomum): Cardamom churna can effectively treat gastritis and acid reflux (powder) with the correct dosage and application.
Saunf (FenneliculumVulgare): Fennel (FenneliculumVulgare) is typically consumed after a meal. It efficiently treats gastritis by alleviating indigestion and acidity.
Ajwain (TrachelospermumAmmi): Carom seeds, often known as ajwain, are a herb that can help with gastritis and other digestive issues.

Some of the natural treatments for H. pylori

Several studies on natural ways to treat H. pylori infections have been done. The following are some natural therapies to consider:

Honey: Honey has been utilized as a medication since ancient times because of its antimicrobial characteristics.
Aloe Vera: Constipation, detoxification, digestive health, and wound healing are just a few of the ailments that aloe vera is used to cure.
Milk: Lactoferrin, a glycoprotein found in both human and cow’s milk, has been proven to have anti-H. Pylori activity. Melanoidin, a chemical, appears to stop H. pylori bacteria from growing. Melanoidin is a molecule generated when lactose reacts with casein, a protein found in milk and dairy products.
Green Tea: Green tea is one of the healthiest and most popular drinks on the planet. It’s filled with antioxidants and minerals.
Probiotics: Probiotics are live microorganisms that have been shown to improve people’s health. Probiotics are gaining popularity as a therapy for H. pylori. Probiotics come in a variety of forms. Bifidobacterium, which can be found in dairy and fermented foods, is commonly used to prevent gastrointestinal infections.


 Is Ayurveda capable of curing H. pylori?
Yes, Ayurveda treatment in Kerala can effectively treat it. However, consult properly before beginning treatment. To avoid recurrence, you must also adhere to a strict food plan. Ayurveda has efficient and safe remedies for H. pylori infection and accompanying symptoms.

Is Neem beneficial to H. pylori?
The bactericidal effect of neem oil extract against Helicobacter pylori is substantial. In addition, the extract possesses several beneficial pharmacological features, including the capacity to kill non-growing bacteria, increased action at low pH, and no hemolytic activity.

If you have Helicobacter pylori, what foods should you avoid?
When treating an H. Pylori infection, foods that induce the release of gastric acid (such as coffee, black tea, and soft beverages) and foods that irritate the stomach lining (such as pepper and processed, fatty meats like bacon and sausage) should be avoided.