Treatment and Remedies for Stress Relief based on Ayurvedic Principles

Stress and anxiety

Stress and Anxiety have become a part of daily life. This is due to unplanned occurrences and situations that are not favorable to you. When this stress level skyrockets, it takes a toll on the body and mind disrupting the peace of life. Anything from work, family, relationships, unpleasant events, or other life phases can be responsible for the occurrence of stress. Ayurveda Treatment in Kerela might help in this respect.

A lot of things can signify that you are suffering from stress and anxiety. These included unnecessary agitation, panic attacks, tiredness and laziness, restlessness, sleeping issues, irritable conduct on small things, and so on.

What might be the possible solution? It is the Ayurvedic Treatment of Stress and Anxiety. A lot can be affected in your body and your mind if the treatment is not considered early on. It can affect your digestion and eating habits, metabolism, nervous system, immune system, and even reproductive system. Getting Ayurveda Treatment in Kerala might be the best and most holistic approach to stress relief.

Ayurvedic Tips that can contribute to stress relief are provided below.

Practice Meditation

The key is to calm your mind and remove all the negative thoughts that plague you. Sit in a cross-legged position on the floor and attain the meditation pose. Taking deep breaths on the count of 5, holding for the count of 5, and releasing for the same count. Doing this for 5 minutes can help you calm your mind instantly. This is one of the most promising Ayurvedic treatments for Stress and Anxiety that you can do yourself.

Implement Shirodhara

For Ayurveda treatment in Kerela Shirodhara means flow to the head. In this, a steady flow of warm oil is poured over the head. This is said to provide a soothing effect on the nervous system. This also provides instant healthy promotion to the circulation system. The warm oil can contain special herbs that are promising in providing relief from stress and anxiety, migraine, sleep problems, and more.

Opting for Healthy Diet

Many foods are stress promoters that we do not realize. When opting for Ayurvedic treatment for stress and anxiety, focusing on a diet is a must. Some alternatives in diet might promote calmness in mind and better functioning of the body systems. Everybody is different and different plans for diet work for each individual separately. Including the specific diet in the lifestyle, one can provide improvement to digestion and metabolic systems.

Including Herbal Remedies

For the best Ayurveda treatment in Kerela, following the intake plan of certain herbs can contribute towards a better condition.

1. Ashwagandha: This is an all-rounder herb that helps sleep better, and enables adaptation of the body to situations for better coping.
2. Brahmi: This herb is great for reducing stress hormones in the body and improving the concentration power of brain cells.
3. Bhringraj: It is a great ingredient for tea and oil for massage. It helps in blood circulation and mind relaxation.
4. Jatamasi: This is a herb used as an anti-stress and helps in cases of excessive fatigue and insomnia.
5. Vacha: It is used for mental disorders and improves memory. It is a great antioxidant and inflammation reducer as well.
6. Gotu Kala: It acts as a sedative and is perfect for stress and anxiety relief.

Take Proper Rest

Sleeping or taking a nap is the best antidote to the stress poison in the body. The more you regulate your sleeping hours, the calmer your mind becomes. Having about 8 hours of sleep on average does wonders for keeping up the health of the body. This is the most recommended aid in the Ayurvedic Treatment for Stress and Anxiety.

Add Exercise and Yoga to Routine

Sitting all day for office work is also stressful and tiring for the body which shifts gradually to the mind. Having physical movement for some time every day helps keep the body in shape and healthy. This brings a round of freshness and keeps the mind clear. Exercise, a nice jog, a walk on the track, or yoga can be your real stressbuster according to the Ayurveda Treatment in Kerala.

Appreciate Nature

Nothing is more calming than some quiet time in nature. The sounds of the wind, the rustling of the trees, the chirping of the birds, and the natural sounds around work best for stress relief. Taking a nice stroll in the park, walking nearby a flowing river, on the beach, or just sitting on a bench under the bright sun can help you clear your mind.

Do What you Love

Getting a break from the same routine is essential. You might love your work but sometimes you wish to watch movies, read a nice book, listen to music, paint, watch some shows, and so on. This is what brings a smile to your face and spreads warmth to every cell of your body. This happens because you are doing what you love and something that naturally de-stresses you.


Ayurveda Treatment for Stress and Anxiety is not all about medicines and artificial relaxants. This is all the power of nature combined with the treatment. From nourishment through proper diet and exercise, to relaxation with herbs and remedies, everything is natural. Keeping away from stress and anxiety is necessary to keep the body’s functions working in their optimum condition. Any bit of unnecessary stress can be taxing to your mind and body health. With Ayurveda Treatment in Kerela, you can experience the journey of going from stressful to completely stress-free in a few short weeks at most. Reach out to Ishani Ayurveda for wholesome treatment for stress and anxiety.

Dr. Sinu K John

Dr. Sinu K John graduated Bachelor’s degree in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery. She holds a Master’s degree in Ayurveda Panchakarma. She is a qualified Yoga Instructor and has been teaching Ayurveda and Yoga for more than 10 years. She is specialized in women and infant health, infertility, skin care and natural beauty treatments. She is a Health Educator, passionate about health and fitness. Vast experience in handling clients of all age groups both national and international. She is specialized in Lifestyle Medicine, providing a holistic approach to medicine. Her philosophy of healing revolves around Diet, Yoga, Meditation, Detoxification, Nutrition & Effective Stress Management & Obesity.

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